Dear GAMS users,
This is a fairly easy question I’d say, but I still couldn’t find an answer for it.
I built a model, and now I try to run different runs, while changing one specific set.
e.g. one of my sets is a range of technologies ‘k’, say 1 to 5. And I like to run the model for each technology, thus turning the other options off. I tried the ‘ask’ tool:
*import a set
$call =ask T=integer M=“choose technology” R=“set k/ %s /;”
display k;
so ‘%s’ is the query that lets me identify technology 1/2/3/4 or 5.
Error message:
44 * Ask Import Filter Version 2.1, Feb 2006
45 * Erwin Kalvelagen, GAMS Development Corp.
46 set k/3/;
**** $194
194 - Symbol redifined - a second data statement for the same symbol or a data statement after an assignment
I don’t understand this. It seems that my original set introduction set k /1*5/ and now the new one set k /%s/ to be tweeked don’t go together too well.
Anyone help? Im gratefull for it
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