A distributed MIP solver of Gurobi and GAMS

Hi everyone,
I want to use the distributed function of GUROBI solver in supercomputing center.
I created two cloud hosts in the supercomputing center, and also established port 8090. Machine A has a license from gurobi, and Machine B acts as a worker.
Fig. 1 is a process of computer A, indicating that we start the first worker on machine A from the command line via “grb_rs --worker --port=8090”. We continue the example by starting a second worker on machine B and connecting it to the first worker on machineA via “grb_rs --worker --port=8090 --join=”, as shown in Fig. 2. But something went wrong. I don’t know what the problem is, because I also set the path, i.e., “SET GRB_LICENSE_FILE= C:\Users\Fan\gurobi.lic”.
Thank you in advance for your guidance.

Best regards

Sounds like a pure Gurobi issue to me, so I would seek help in a Gurobi, not GAMS, forum. -Michael