24 hours optimization program

Hello to everyone

I have an optimization problem in electrical power system, " optimal transmission switching and generation unit commitement"

assume we have n generator. each generator connected to a bus. and buses connected togethers with transmission lines.

the demand in electrical system is varying by time ( 24 hours ).

by solving this problem we can determine which transmission line must be open and which must be close. and each generator, how much power must generate to meet demand and the total cost of generation on 24 hours is minimized.

my problem is
set t /1*24/

I dont know how to incorporate this set to my DCOPF formulation.

I’ve written a code but it does not work.

can everyone help me to write a code for this problem.

I’m sorry for my English since it is not my first language.

thank you


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Hi mate,

I’m in the same situation than you. I have to integrate variable t in my OPF (24 hours period with a generation/demand standard curve).

Have you solved it yet?

Best Regards.

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