--- Job OptimialGSK.gms Start 05/03/22 17:54:02 38.3.0 060274e8 WEX-WEI x86 64bit/MS Windows --- Applying: C:\GAMS\38\gmsprmNT.txt --- GAMS Parameters defined Input Z:\ABC.gms PageWidth 80 PageSize 0 PageContr 3 Action CE ScrDir Z:\225c\ SysDir C:\GAMS\38\ WorkDir Z:\ LogOption 3 DFormat 0 TFormat 0 License "Z:\Licence.txt" ErrorLog 99 IDE 1 Processor information: 2 socket(s), 2 core(s), and 2 thread(s) available GAMS 38.3.0 Copyright (C) 1987-2022 GAMS Development. All rights reserved --- Starting compilation --- OptimialGSK.gms(123) 2 Mb --- $echo File Z:\temp.tmp --- OptimialGSK.gms(145) 2 Mb --- call gdxxrw Data\Scenario_2013.xlsx O=Data\Scenario_2013.gdx SQ=N SE=10 cmerge=1 @temp.tmp GDXXRW 38.3.0 060274e8 Apr 5, 2022 VS8 x86 32bit/MS Window Input file : Z:\Data\Scenario_2013.xlsx Output file: Z:\Data\Scenario_2013.gdx Value expected in cell: Branch!B2; found n1 Value expected in cell: Branch!C2; found n2 Value expected in cell: Branch!B3; found n3 Value expected in cell: Branch!C3; found n5 Value expected in cell: Branch!B4; found n6 Additional errors suppressed Total number of bad values for symbol lch = 642 Value expected in cell: Gen!B2; found n63 Value expected in cell: Gen!G2; found Nuclear Value expected in cell: Gen!B3; found n91 Value expected in cell: Gen!G3; found Nuclear Value expected in cell: Gen!B4; found n115 Additional errors suppressed Total number of bad values for symbol pch = 144 Total time = 13875 Ms --- ABC.gms(146) 2 Mb --- GDXin=Z:\Data\Scenario_2013.gdx --- GDX File ($gdxIn) Z:\Data\Scenario_2013.gdx --- OptimialGSK.gms(445) 90 Mb --- Starting execution: elapsed 0:00:14.272 --- OptimialGSK.gms(227) 91 Mb --- GDX File (execute_unload) Z:\bb.gdx --- OptimialGSK.gms(228) 91 Mb ---------------------------------------- INVERT: matrix inversion ---------------------------------------- GDX library version: GDX Library 38.3.0 060274e8 Apr 5, 2022 WEI x86 64bit/MS Window GDX input file: bb.gdx Input set: n Input parameter: bb Calling LAPACK DGESV, n = 120 GDX output file: binv.gdx Output parameter: invbb Done --- OptimialGSK.gms(229) 91 Mb --- GDXin=Z:\binv.gdx --- ABC.gms(229) 92 Mb --- GDX File (execute_load) Z:\binv.gdx --- ABC.gms(244) 93 Mb --- Generating LP model D1 --- ABC.gms(345) 201 Mb *** Unexpected EInOutError *** Msg=I/O error on write of file = 'Z:\Mitarbeiter\CD\05_Promotion\06_GSK\RWTH121\OptimialGSK.lst': Invalid argument *** executing line 345 *** Please report to support@gams.com *** including version ( GAMS 38.3.0 ) and platform ( WEI ) Exit code = 8