import os import gams def get_model_text(): return """ $title Electricity Generation *############################################################################### * DATA *############################################################################### set g set of technologies /coal technology running on hard coal nuc nuclear ccgt combined cycle gas turbine/ f set of fuels /hcoa hard coal uran ng natural gas/ m(g,f) mapping from technologies to /coal.hcoa nuc.uran ; parameter pf(f) fuel price in $ /hcoa 2 uran 1 ng 3/ c(g) other unit cost in $ /coal 1 nuc 1 ccgt 2/ eta(g) heat efficiency /coal 0.35 nuc 0.4 ccgt 0.5/ theta(g) availability in hours /coal 20 nuc 25 ccgt 15/ cap(g) installed capacity in MW /coal 1 nuc 1 ccgt 1/ ; scalar d electricity demand in MWH /50/ pe0 electricity price /8/ elas price elasticity of demand /-0.5/ dem_a intercept demand function dem_b slope demand function ; dem_b = -elas*d/pe0; dem_a = (1-elas)*d; *############################################################################### * MODEL *############################################################################### Variable WELFARE welfare (QCP objective) COST total generation cost in $ (LP objective) ; Positive Variable X(g) generation in MWh DEM demand in MWh ; Equation obj_qp objective QP = WELFARE definition in $ obj_lp objective LP = COST definition in $ mkt_E_LP market clearing electricity in MWh - LP version mkt_E_QP market clearing electricity in MWh - QP version mkt_CAP(g) market clearing capacity in MWh ; obj_qp.. WELFARE =E= dem_a/dem_b*DEM - 1/(2*dem_b)*(DEM*DEM) - COST ; obj_lp.. COST =E= sum(g, X(g)*c(g)) + sum(m(g,f), pf(f)*X(g)/eta(g)) ; mkt_E_lp.. sum(g, X(g)) =E= d ; mkt_E_qp.. sum(g, X(g)) =G= DEM ; mkt_CAP(g).. cap(g)*theta(g) =G= X(g) ; model elec_LP /obj_lp, mkt_E_lp, mkt_CAP/; model elec_QP /obj_qp, obj_lp, mkt_E_qp, mkt_CAP/; * Set some initial values X.L(g) = 1;""" def print_model_stat(mi, objective): """ Prints solution statistics :param mi: :param objective: name of objevtive variable """ print("Modelstatus: %d " % mi.model_status) print("Solvestatus: %d" % mi.solver_status) if objective is not None: print("Objective: %f" % mi.sync_db.get_variable(objective).find_record().level) # create model space and prepare model ws = gams.GamsWorkspace(os.getcwd()) cp = ws.add_checkpoint() job_ = ws.add_job_from_string(get_model_text()) gdxdata = job_.out_db # Instantiate LP model with fuel prices as modifier print("----- LP model with fuel price modifier") mi_lp = cp.add_modelinstance() pf = mi_lp.sync_db.add_parameter("pf", 1, "fuel prices") mi_lp.instantiate("elec_LP use LP min COST", gams.GamsModifier(pf)) gdxdata.get_symbol("pf").copy_symbol(pf) # copy orginal data from checkpoint mi_lp.solve() print_model_stat(mi_lp, "COST") # Instantiate QP model with fuel prices as modifier print("----- QCP model with fuel price modifier") mi_qp1 = cp.add_modelinstance() pf = mi_qp1.sync_db.add_parameter("pf", 1, "fuel prices") mi_qp1.instantiate("elec_QP use QCP max WELFARE", gams.GamsModifier(pf)) gdxdata.get_symbol("pf").copy_symbol(pf) # copy orginal data from checkpoint mi_qp1.solve() print_model_stat(mi_qp1, "WELFARE") # Instantiate QP model with fuel prices AND demand intercept as modifier print("----- QCP model with fuel price and demand intercept modifier") mi_qp2 = cp.add_modelinstance() pf = mi_qp2.sync_db.add_parameter("pf", 1, "fuel prices") dem_a = mi_qp2.sync_db.add_parameter("dem_a", 0, "demand_intercept") mi_qp2.instantiate("elec_QP use QCP max WELFARE", [gams.GamsModifier(pf), gams.GamsModifier(dem_a)]) gdxdata.get_symbol("pf").copy_symbol(pf) # copy orginal data from checkpoint gdxdata.get_symbol("dem_a").copy_symbol(dem_a) mi_qp2.solve() print_model_stat(mi_qp2, "WELFARE") # Instantiate QP model with fuel prices AND demand intercept as modifier print("----- QCP model with fuel price, demand intercept, and slope modifier") mi_qp3 = cp.add_modelinstance() pf = mi_qp3.sync_db.add_parameter("pf", 1, "fuel prices") dem_a = mi_qp3.sync_db.add_parameter("dem_a", 0, "demand_intercept") dem_b = mi_qp3.sync_db.add_parameter("dem_b", 0, "demand_intercept") mi_qp3.instantiate("elec_QP use QCP max WELFARE", [gams.GamsModifier(pf), gams.GamsModifier(dem_a),gams.GamsModifier(dem_b)]) gdxdata.get_symbol("pf").copy_symbol(pf) # copy orginal data from checkpoint gdxdata.get_symbol("dem_a").copy_symbol(dem_a) gdxdata.get_symbol("dem_b").copy_symbol(dem_b) mi_qp3.solve() print_model_stat(mi_qp3, "WELFARE")