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   NEOS Server Version 5.0
   Job#     : 3293773
   Password : vjYadVRf
   Solver   : go:BARON:GAMS
   Start    : 2014-10-10 14:15:46
   End      : 2014-10-10 15:59:08
   Host     : NEOS HTCondor Pool


   This information is provided without any express or
   implied warranty. In particular, there is no warranty
   of any kind concerning the fitness of this
   information  for any particular purpose.
Executed on
GAMS 24.3.3  r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux 10/10/14 14:16:05 Page 1
G e n e r a l   A l g e b r a i c   M o d e l i n g   S y s t e m
C o m p i l a t i o n

COMPILATION TIME     =        0.001 SECONDS      2 MB  24.3.3 r48116 LEX-LEG
GAMS 24.3.3  r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux 10/10/14 14:16:05 Page 2
G e n e r a l   A l g e b r a i c   M o d e l i n g   S y s t e m
Model Statistics    SOLVE qpecgen_100_5_2_no0_0 Using MINLP From line 44


BLOCKS OF EQUATIONS          13     SINGLE EQUATIONS           13
BLOCKS OF VARIABLES          12     SINGLE VARIABLES           12
NON ZERO ELEMENTS            76     NON LINEAR N-Z              7
DERIVATIVE POOL              10     CONSTANT POOL              51
CODE LENGTH                 122     DISCRETE VARIABLES          2

GENERATION TIME      =        0.004 SECONDS      3 MB  24.3.3 r48116 LEX-LEG

EXECUTION TIME       =        0.004 SECONDS      3 MB  24.3.3 r48116 LEX-LEG
GAMS 24.3.3  r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux 10/10/14 14:16:05 Page 3
G e n e r a l   A l g e b r a i c   M o d e l i n g   S y s t e m
Solution Report     SOLVE qpecgen_100_5_2_no0_0 Using MINLP From line 44

               S O L V E      S U M M A R Y

     MODEL   qpecgen_100_5_2_no0_0   OBJECTIVE  obj
     TYPE    MINLP                   DIRECTION  MINIMIZE
     SOLVER  BARON                   FROM LINE  44

**** SOLVER STATUS     10 Solver Failure           
**** MODEL STATUS      12 Error Unknown            
**** OBJECTIVE VALUE               NA

 RESOURCE USAGE, LIMIT       6128.230     27000.000
 ITERATION COUNT, LIMIT        NA    2000000000
 EVALUATION ERRORS              0             0

GAMS/BARON       24.3.3 r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEG x86 64bit/Linux      

BARON is a product of The Optimization Firm, LLC.
Parts of the BARON software were created at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

*** terminated by BARON barstatus=9
*** inspect listing file carefully

 BARON version 14.0.3. Built: LNX-64 Fri Aug 1 22:44:34 EDT 2014 

 If you use this software, please cite:
 Tawarmalani, M. and N. V. Sahinidis, A polyhedral
 branch-and-cut approach to global optimization,
 Mathematical Programming, 103(2), 225-249, 2005.

 BARON is a product of The Optimization Firm, LLC.
 Parts of the BARON software were created at the
*** no solution found in file /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_21194/neos-21200/res.

No solution returned
GAMS 24.3.3  r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux 10/10/14 14:16:05 Page 4
G e n e r a l   A l g e b r a i c   M o d e l i n g   S y s t e m
Solution Report     SOLVE qpecgen_100_5_2_no0_0 Using MINLP From line 44

=0GAMS/BARON       24.3.3 r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEG x86 64bit/Linux     
=CGAMS/BARON       24.3.3 r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEG x86 64bit/Linux     
=CBARON is a product of The Optimization Firm, LLC.
=CParts of the BARON software were created at the
=CUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
 /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_21194/neos-21200/sum.dat    = problem    13 12 481
8 40 -32.9949233872     -32.8358976412     9 4 0 8593523 7053855 6015330 6128.2
 skip       = 13
 skip       = 12
 skip       = 4818
 skip       = 40
 zlbest     = -32.9949233872
 zub        = -32.8358976412
 barstatus  = 9
 modelstatus= 4
 missingbnd = 0
 itera      = 8593523
 nodeopt    = 7053855
 nodememmax = 6015330
 totaltime  = 6128.23
 BARON version 14.0.3. Built: LNX-64 Fri Aug 1 22:44:34 EDT 2014 

 If you use this software, please cite:
 Tawarmalani, M. and N. V. Sahinidis, A polyhedral
 branch-and-cut approach to global optimization,
 Mathematical Programming, 103(2), 225-249, 2005.

 BARON is a product of The Optimization Firm, LLC.
 Parts of the BARON software were created at the
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
 This BARON run may utilize the following subsolver(s)
 For LP/MIP: ILOG CPLEX                                      
    The options used in solving the problem are as follows:
       maxtime        =  0.2700E+05
       maxiter        =      -1
       numsol         =       1
       firstfeas      =      -1
       cutoff         =  0.1000E+52
       epsa           =  0.1000E-08
       epsr           =  0.1000E-08
       deltaterm      =       0
       deltaa         =  0.1000E+52
       deltar         =  0.1000E+01
       deltat         = -0.1000E+03
       boxtol         =  0.1000E-07
       isoltol        =  0.1000E-03
       absconfeastol  =  0.1000E-04
       relconfeastol  =  0.0000E+00
       absintfeastol  =  0.1000E-04
       relintfeastol  =  0.0000E+00
       results        =       1
       summary        =       1
       times          =       1
       prtimefreq     =  0.3000E+02
       prfreq         = 1000000
       prlevel        =       1
       numprint       =      12
       numprintdual   =      -1
       bpint          =  0.5000E+01
       fraint         =  0.7000E+00
       minint         =  0.1000E-01
       lpsol          =       3
       nlpsol         =      -1
       allowminos     =       1
       allowsnopt     =       1
       allowexternal  =       1
       allowipopt     =       1
       allowfiltersd  =       0
       dolocal        =       1
       numloc         =      20
       locres         =       0
       pdo            =       2
       brvarstra      =       0
       brptstra       =       0
       nodesel        =       0
       compiis        =       0
       iisint         =       1
       iisorig        =       1
       iisorder       =       1
       subpara        =       0
 Doing local search
 Preprocessing found feasible solution with value -11.6721301714     
 Solving bounding LP
 Starting multi-start local search
 Preprocessing found feasible solution with value -32.6470525353     
 Preprocessing found feasible solution with value -32.8358971005     
 Done with local search
  Iteration    Open nodes       Total time    Lower bound      Upper bound
          1             1        000:00:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
          1             1        000:00:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
      45433         31667        000:00:30    -32.9949         -32.8359    
      91147         63667        000:01:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     136617         95496        000:01:30    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     182427        127563        000:02:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     227982        159451        000:02:30    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     273698        191453        000:03:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     319203        223306        000:03:30    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     364959        255336        000:04:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     410476        287197        000:04:30    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     456137        319160        000:05:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     502106        351338        000:05:30    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     547827        383343        000:06:00    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     593344        415204        000:06:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     639199        447304        000:07:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     685199        479504        000:07:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     730906        511498        000:08:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     776475        543396        000:08:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     822032        575286        000:09:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     867643        607214        000:09:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     913289        639167        000:10:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
     958865        671069        000:10:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1000000        699864        000:10:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1044753        731191        000:11:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1088975        762146        000:11:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1133086        793024        000:12:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1177107        823839        000:12:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1221279        854760        000:13:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1264708        885160        000:13:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1307698        915253        000:14:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1350543        945244        000:14:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1392667        974731        000:15:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1434707       1004159        000:15:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1476994       1033759        000:16:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1519314       1063383        000:16:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1561633       1093007        000:17:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1604196       1122801        000:17:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1646823       1152640        000:18:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1689196       1182301        000:18:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1731707       1212059        000:19:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1774178       1241789        000:19:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1816639       1271512        000:20:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1859268       1301352        000:20:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1901973       1331245        000:21:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1944698       1361153        000:21:58    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    1987417       1391056        000:22:28    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2000000       1399864        000:22:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2042565       1429659        000:23:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2085060       1459407        000:23:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2127750       1489290        000:24:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2170254       1519041        000:24:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2213254       1549141        000:25:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2256187       1579195        000:25:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2299084       1609222        000:26:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2341953       1639231        000:26:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2384753       1669191        000:27:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2427416       1699055        000:27:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2470083       1728922        000:28:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2512737       1758780        000:28:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2555253       1788541        000:29:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2597698       1818253        000:29:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2640117       1847946        000:30:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2682580       1877671        000:30:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2725305       1907577        000:31:07    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2767955       1937432        000:31:37    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2810527       1967233        000:32:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2853359       1997216        000:32:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2897130       2027856        000:33:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2941086       2058624        000:33:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    2985175       2089486        000:34:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3000000       2099864        000:34:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3043832       2130546        000:34:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3087032       2160786        000:35:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3130254       2191041        000:35:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3173387       2221235        000:36:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3217193       2251899        000:36:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3259713       2281663        000:37:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3301082       2310621        000:37:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3342637       2339710        000:38:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3384082       2368721        000:38:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3425611       2397792        000:39:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3467343       2427004        000:39:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3508679       2455940        000:40:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3550304       2485076        000:40:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3592009       2514271        000:41:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3633599       2543384        000:41:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3674884       2572282        000:42:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3716379       2601330        000:42:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3757859       2630366        000:43:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3799859       2659766        000:43:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3841257       2688744        000:44:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3882637       2717710        000:44:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3924090       2746728        000:45:18    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    3965769       2775903        000:45:48    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4000000       2799864        000:46:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4040969       2828543        000:46:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4082254       2857441        000:47:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4125525       2887731        000:47:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4169255       2918342        000:48:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4212769       2948803        000:48:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4256315       2979284        000:49:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4299525       3009531        000:49:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4343088       3040026        000:50:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4386525       3070431        000:50:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4429830       3100746        000:51:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4473525       3131331        000:51:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4517123       3161850        000:52:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4560414       3192153        000:52:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4603525       3222331        000:53:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4646963       3252738        000:53:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4690476       3283197        000:54:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4734175       3313786        000:54:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4777387       3344035        000:55:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4820747       3374387        000:55:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4864456       3404983        000:56:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4907920       3435409        000:56:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4951525       3465931        000:57:13    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    4995145       3496465        000:57:43    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5000000       3499864        000:57:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5043280       3530161        000:58:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5086573       3560465        000:58:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5129949       3590829        000:59:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5173199       3621104        000:59:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5216636       3651509        001:00:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5259948       3681828        001:00:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5303117       3712046        001:01:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5346537       3742440        001:01:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5390023       3772880        001:02:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5433111       3803042        001:02:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5476524       3833430        001:03:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5519746       3863686        001:03:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5562635       3893708        001:04:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5605628       3923804        001:04:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5648413       3953753        001:05:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5691403       3983846        001:05:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5735799       4014924        001:06:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5780365       4046119        001:06:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5823682       4076441        001:07:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5866312       4106282        001:07:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5908886       4136084        001:08:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5951955       4166232        001:08:47    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    5995017       4196376        001:09:17    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6000000       4199864        001:09:20    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6043079       4230020        001:09:50    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6085938       4260021        001:10:20    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6128915       4290104        001:10:50    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6171654       4320021        001:11:20    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6214699       4350154        001:11:50    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6257079       4379820        001:12:20    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6299302       4409375        001:12:50    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6341275       4438756        001:13:20    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6384032       4468686        001:13:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6426857       4498664        001:14:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6469857       4528764        001:14:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6511863       4558168        001:15:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6551557       4585954        001:15:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6588500       4611815        001:16:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6625456       4637683        001:16:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6668413       4667753        001:17:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6709963       4696838        001:17:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6747528       4723134        001:18:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6787857       4751364        001:18:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6826254       4778241        001:19:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6868095       4807530        001:19:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6905589       4833777        001:20:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6945783       4861912        001:20:51    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    6985694       4889849        001:21:21    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7000000       4899864        001:21:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7037634       4926207        001:22:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7076698       4953553        001:22:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7112955       4978932        001:23:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7150745       5005385        001:23:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7189837       5032750        001:24:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7227807       5059329        001:24:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7265745       5085885        001:25:01    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7303412       5112252        001:25:31    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7341037       5138590        001:26:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7378277       5164658        001:26:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7415745       5190885        001:27:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7452967       5216941        001:27:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7490653       5243321        001:28:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7527523       5269130        001:28:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7567254       5296941        001:29:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7604329       5322895        001:29:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7640640       5348313        001:30:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7679152       5375270        001:30:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7714916       5400305        001:31:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7751656       5426023        001:31:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7790125       5452951        001:32:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7828860       5480067        001:32:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7869399       5508444        001:33:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7911189       5537697        001:33:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7951355       5565812        001:34:02    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    7992254       5594441        001:34:32    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8000000       5599864        001:34:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8040189       5627997        001:35:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8079275       5655356        001:35:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8116252       5681240        001:36:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8152698       5706753        001:36:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8193247       5735137        001:37:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8234412       5763952        001:37:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8275593       5792779        001:38:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8316143       5821164        001:38:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8354692       5848148        001:39:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8393996       5875661        001:39:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8435189       5904497        001:40:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8476835       5933648        001:40:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8516288       5961266        001:41:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8555462       5988687        001:41:38    -32.9949         -32.8359    
    8593523       6015330        001:42:08    -32.9949         -32.8359    
=C*** terminated by BARON barstatus=9
=C*** inspect listing file carefully
 reset missingbounds to 0
=C BARON version 14.0.3. Built: LNX-64 Fri Aug 1 22:44:34 EDT 2014 
=C If you use this software, please cite:
=C Tawarmalani, M. and N. V. Sahinidis, A polyhedral
=C branch-and-cut approach to global optimization,
=C Mathematical Programming, 103(2), 225-249, 2005.
=C BARON is a product of The Optimization Firm, LLC.
=C Parts of the BARON software were created at the

=C*** no solution found in file /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_21194/neos-21200/re
GAMS 24.3.3  r48116 Released Sep 19, 2014 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux 10/10/14 14:16:05 Page 5
G e n e r a l   A l g e b r a i c   M o d e l i n g   S y s t e m
Solution Report     SOLVE qpecgen_100_5_2_no0_0 Using MINLP From line 44

EXECUTION TIME       =        0.002 SECONDS      2 MB  24.3.3 r48116 LEX-LEG

USER: Computer Sciences Dept.                        G140121:1537AS-LNX
      University of Wisconsin-Madison                            DC8499
      License for teaching and research at degree granting institutions


Input      /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_21194/MODEL.gms
Output     /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_21194/solve.out

Additional Output:

NEOS Server