I am a new GAMS user. I am trying to build a partial equilibirum model. Ideally, in the results profit function should be equal to zero. However, the results give positive profit.
Could you please advise what I might done wrong?
Option solprint = on;
Option limrow = 0;
Option limcol = 0;
ITER Negishi Iterations /IT1*IT6/
J Farmers that produce commodity G (A=Cotton and B=Wheat and C=Vegetables) /A,B,C/
scale only relative prices matter so scale all prices
RESULT(,,*) parameter for storing results
KS capital supply
LS labour supply
AS land supply
p(J) price of goods
R price of capital
w price of labour
i price of land
Y Total income
alpha(J) Expenditure shares of capital for production function
gamma(J) Expenditure shares of land for production function
beta(J) Technology level parameter for production function
Kappa Share of cotton in utility function (elasticity of cotton with respect to utility)
lambda Share of wheat in utility function (elasticity of wheat with respect to utility)
KS = 100
LS = 100
AS = 100
*the land supply (AS) is given as 100% and then the benchmark scenario is calibrated as distrubution of this 100% for different crops
alpha(“A”) = 0.951375516;
alpha(“B”) = 0.731496622;
alpha(“C”) = 0.707058144;
gamma(“A”) = 0;
gamma(“B”) = 0.239240717;
gamma(“C”) = 0.220353187;
beta(“A”) = 0.470455045
beta(“B”) = 0.69868095
beta(“C”) = 0.848599911
kappa = 0.3576
lambda = 0.0220
*initialization of prices
p(J) = 0.1;
R = 0.1;
w = 0.1;
i = 0.1;
Q(J) crop G produced
C(J) consumption of crop G
K(J) capital demand for producing G
L(J) labor demand for producing G
A(J) land demand for producing G
U utility from consumption
PRF(J) profits
initialization and bounds for variables
K.L(J) = 0.1KS;
K.LO(J) = 0.01; K.UP(J) = KS;
L.L(J) = 0.5LS;
L.LO(J) = 0.01; L.UP(J) = LS;
A.LO(J) = 0.01; A.UP(J) = AS;
Y = rKS + wLS+iAS;
C.LO(J) = 0.01;
EqU Utility function
EqQ(J) Production function of all three producers
EqO(J) Balance of consumption and production
EqKS Capital maximum is equal to capital stock
EqLS Labour maximum is equal to labour stock
EqAS Land maximum is equal to land stock
EqY Budget constraint
EqPRF(J) Profit function to ensure zero profit condition
EqU… U =E= (C(“A”)kappa)(C(“B”)**lambda)(C(“C”)(1-kappa-lambda));
EqQ(J)… Q(J) =E= beta(J)(K(J)**alpha(J))(A(J)gamma(J))*(L(J)(1-alpha(J)-gamma(J)));
EqO(J)… C(J) =L= Q(J);
EqKS… KS =G= sum(J, K(J));
EqLS… LS =G= sum(J, L(J));
EqAS… AS =G= sum (J, A(J));
EqY… Y =G= sum(J, p(J)C(J));
EqPRF(J)… PRF(J) =E= p(J)Q(J)-rK(J)-wL(J)-i*A(J);
p(J) = ABS(EqO.m(J));
R = ABS(EqKS.m);
w = ABS(EqLS.m);
i = ABS(EqAS.m);
Y = rKS + wLS+i*AS;
The wage rate might be zero, therefore we may normalise on the price of capital
IF(w LE 1E-05, scale = r; ELSE scale = w);
DISPLAY w, r, i, scale;
Y = Y/scale;
p(J) = p(J)/scale;
R = R/scale;
w = w/scale;
i= i/scale;
PRF.l(J) = P(J)Q.l(J)-rK.l(J)-wL.l(J)-i*A.l(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “commodity price”,J) = p(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “Capital price”,“total”) = R;
RESULT(“0. base”, “Wage”,“total”) = w;
RESULT(“0. base”, “income”,“total”) = Y;
RESULT(“0. base”, “production”,J) =Q.L(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “consumption”,J)=C.L(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “Utility”,“total”)=U.L;
RESULT(“0. base”, “A”,J)=A.L(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “K”,J)=K.L(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “L”,J)=L.L(J);
RESULT(“0. base”, “AT”,“total”)=A.L(“A”)+A.L(“B”)+A.L(“C”);
RESULT(“0. base”, “LT”,“total”)=L.L(“A”)+L.L(“B”)+L.L(“C”);
RESULT(“0. base”, “KT”,“total”)=K.L(“A”)+K.L(“B”)+K.L(“C”);
RESULT(“0. base”, “PRF”,J)=PRF.l(J);
AS = 950
p(J) = ABS(EqO.m(J));
R = ABS(EqKS.m);
w = ABS(EqLS.m);
i = ABS(EqAS.m);
Y = rKS + wLS+i*AS;
The wage rate might be zero, therefore we may normalise on the price of capital
IF(w LE 1E-05, scale = r; ELSE scale = w);
DISPLAY w, r, i, scale;
Y = Y/scale;
p(J) = p(J)/scale;
R = R/scale;
w = w/scale;
i= i/scale;
PRF.l(J) = P(J)Q.l(J)-rK.l(J)-wL.l(J)-i*A.l(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “commodity price”,J) = p(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “Capital price”,“total”) = R;
RESULT(“1. base”, “Wage”,“total”) = w;
RESULT(“1. base”, “income”,“total”) = Y;
RESULT(“1. base”, “production”,J) =Q.L(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “consumption”,J)=C.L(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “Utility”,“total”)=U.L;
RESULT(“1. base”, “A”,J)=A.L(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “K”,J)=K.L(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “L”,J)=L.L(J);
RESULT(“1. base”, “AT”,“total”)=A.L(“A”)+A.L(“B”)+A.L(“C”);
RESULT(“1. base”, “LT”,“total”)=L.L(“A”)+L.L(“B”)+L.L(“C”);
RESULT(“1. base”, “KT”,“total”)=K.L(“A”)+K.L(“B”)+K.L(“C”);
RESULT(“1. base”, “PRF”,J)=PRF.l(J);
189 PARAMETER RESULT parameter for storing results
A B C total
- base.A 0.010 3.707 96.283
- base.commodity price 28.772 21.772 18.239
- base.Capital price 12.605
- base.Wage 1.000
- base.income 1585.665
- base.production 19.708 1.602 53.937
- base.consumption 19.708 1.602 53.937
- base.Utility 34.828
- base.K 42.796 2.024 55.180
- base.L 27.571 1.021 71.408
- base.AT 100.000
- base.LT 100.000
- base.KT 100.000
- base.PRF -0.023 4.179262E-6 -6.21145E-9
- base.A 0.010 100.000 100.000
- base.commodity price 28.772 9.898 18.087
- base.Capital price 12.605
- base.Wage 1.000
- base.income 1360.528
- base.production 19.708 3.524 54.389
- base.consumption 19.708 3.524 54.389
- base.Utility 35.621
- base.K 42.796 2.024 55.180
- base.L 27.571 1.021 71.408
- base.AT 200.010
- base.LT 100.000
- base.KT 100.000
- base.PRF 4.60894E-11 8.346 216.769
EXECUTION TIME = 0.000 SECONDS 3 MB 24.2.2 r44857 WIN-VS8
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