I will be glad if you could help me about this.
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I will be glad if you could help me about this.
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rota14012015-son.gms (1.58 KB)
Hi Dogancan
You had forgotten to add z =E= in the objective constraint and defined the model over all constraints, but hadn’t defined the equation objs2 (I commented it out).
obj objective value
*obj2 obj2s
const1 bir rota kesin kullanýlacak
obj… z =e= sum (j$(firstexit(j)),x(‘1’,j)d(‘1’,j)(f+(m/s))) ;
const1 … sum(j$(firstexit(j)),x(‘1’,j)) =e= 1;
const2(i)$(firstexit(i))… sum(j$second(j),x(i,j)) =e= x(‘1’,i);
const3(i)$(second(i))… sum(j$secondexit(j),x(i,j)) =e= sum(j$(firstexit(j)),x(j,i));
const4(i)(secondexit(i)).. x(i,'10') =e= sum(j(second(j)),x(j,i));
model cargoroute /all/;
solve cargoroute minimizing z using MIP ;
From: gamsworld@googlegroups.com [mailto:gamsworld@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Dogancan Savas
Sent: Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015 18:13
To: gamsworld@googlegroups.com
Subject: Would you help me to write objective function?
I will be glad if you could help me about this.
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