The GAMS is still running, however the screen which shows active processes doesnt change, frozen. Is it a problem addressed with my computer or GAMS? Have you got any experience about it? I know my HDD has some bad sector. But, the problem with GAMS just started to happen , before 1 week it seems normal.
To verify that it’s not your computer, try solving it via the NEOS Optimization Server. There’s an 8 hour time limit on jobs (if I recall correctly), and you can’t write output files, but you can get the GDX output returned to you!
There are phases in Cplex that can take a very very long time (e.g. processing of node 0) without messages to the log. If you send more of your log, then perhaps we can answer better. -Michael
I tried another model and the systems stucks like that on the image.
MOdel is working but process screen does not update. And when the resource limit exceeded the results give 3.11% gap where the model stucked.
I tried another model and the systems stucks like that on the image.
Model is working but process screen does not update. And when the resource limit exceeded the results give 3.11% gap where the model stucked.
When I changed a constraint, the model is running and also MATLAB even works fine with GAMS simultaneously. It does not make sense about 1 constraint creates this stuck.
The constraint is like
a: positive var.
b: parameter
c, d: integer variable
constraint.. a = b - c + d
... other constraints...
obj.. sum(c - d)
so I try to max c and min d, imagine that c is time saving and d is delay.
Yes, this seems odd. It could be that Cplex is stuck solving the node lp. You could turn on the detailed node log by setting option mipdisplay = 5. This will give you much more output (all the LP logs from the nodes) but might give you an idea what’s wrong. If you are using the latest version of Cplex and it is indeed hanging at a node lp, you should let know about this (with a model that reproduces the behavior).
Thanks for your advise. However, I think that I solved the problem.
I guess that the solver tries to prove all branches before cutoff and it stuck at possible solution 590 at gap score 0.25. Hence, I added cutoff = 590 to speed up the model for below 590 solutions on the trees. And that is it, the program jumped another gap score from where it stuck and give “proven optimal solution” as 590 and it lasted 2700 sec. I hope this strategy is good to go. cutoff is really awesome thing in GAMS.