What's wrong with this statement?

EQ(k,t,m)… -P(k,t,m)+sum(tt $(tt gt t) ,PP(k,tt,m))=G=0 ;

(tt is an alias of t. )

135 Incompatible operands for relational operator
148 Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less
indices as declared
257 Solve statement not checked because of previous errors

1108 EQ(k,t,m)… -P(k,t,m)+sum(tt $(tt gt t) ,PP(k,tt,m))=G=0 ;
**** $148,135,148,135

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Try this

EQ(k,t,m)… -P(k,t,m)+sum(tt $(ord(tt) GT ORD(t)) ,PP(k,tt,m))=G=0 ;

also check what do you want to use GT or GE, read it through manual or from help

Owais Nooruddin


2015-07-23 12:01 GMT+03:00 RL :

EQ(k,t,m)… -P(k,t,m)+sum(tt $(tt gt t) ,PP(k,tt,m))=G=0 ;

(tt is an alias of t. )

135 Incompatible operands for relational operator
148 Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less
indices as declared
257 Solve statement not checked because of previous errors

1108 EQ(k,t,m)… -P(k,t,m)+sum(tt $(tt gt t) ,PP(k,tt,m))=G=0 ;
**** $148,135,148,135

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