Using Parameter FW=1

Hi All,

I have not used GAMS for quite a while and so I am a bit rusty. Could someone help me with this.

I am running a simulation.gms file that I just updated from an old one. However, I have encountered this:

**** Workfile with 1 execution error(s))
**** To clear this condition use the GAMS parameter FORCEWORK=1 or FW=1.
**** All unexecuted code will be flushed.

I tried the suggestion above but have not yet succeeded in getting the model to run. Is anyone familiar with this error? How should I use the suggestion of FW=1.

Thank you in advance.


Hi Judith

Have a look here
If you are running your model in the command line add: gams myfile workforce=1 or in the Gamside in the upper right bar add FORCEWORK=1.
I hope this helps