unknown dollar control option

Hi everyone!

I am running a model and there is a dollar control option ($ifThen) inside it. My old version GAMS says Error 210 and

Unknown dollar control option. valid are -
      on/offmargin   on/offdollar
      on/offsymlist  on/offuellist
      on/offsymxref  on/offuelxref
      on/offinline   on/offnestcom
      on/offeolcom   on/offinclude
      on/offwarning  on/offsparse
      single double eject (listing control)
      onmulti offmulti    (multiple declarations for set table param)
      onupper offupper    (show source text as entered)
      ontext offtext      (bracket a block of comment lines)
      ondigit offdigit    (off ignores precision on input)
      lines               (followed by line count)
      title stitle        (followed by new title/subtitle)
      mincol maxcol       (followed by column position)
      dollar comment      (followed by 1 character)
      hidden              (followed by unlisted comment)
      phantom             (followed by an element)
      inlinecom           (followed by delimiter spec eg. /* */)
      eolcom              (followed by delimiter spec eg. _$)
      verid               (followed by version ident eg tp5-am-002)
      include             (followed by filename)
      bat/sysinclude      (followed by filename and parameters)

How can i solve this issue? Can I change $ifThen with a different thing from this list? Or should i do something different?

Please show how you are using it (i.e., copy the line where you get this error from as it is). There is clearly some error in your syntax.

One possible reason is you have an unnecessary space $ ifthen instead of $ifthen

  • Atharv
$ifThen set SAVESOL
set ss(s) 'active solutions';

I think it is also important to know which version of GAMS you are using.

  • Atharv

GAMS 22.5 version says this error but I also tried it on newest GAMS version to see what will say and it worked. But I am currently working on the old versio, how can i solve this do you think?

$ifthen was introduced in 22.6. So you cannot use it. I am not sure what you can do and I can’t test nor point you to documentation of such an old version.

  • Atharv