To calculate maximum value

Hello to everybody,

i would like to simulate one problem in which i will calculate two variables for example A(N) and B(N). I would like to write these types:

A(N) = max (K(N,T))
B(N)=max(K(N,T) or L(N,T))

K(N,T) and L(N,T) are variables too, which there are in my objective function. So from the variables of those (K and L) i will calculate the others (A and B)

In which way i can do this?

thanks a lot

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I found the solution. You can calculate this with smax function or easier writing that
K(N,T) = l= A(N) etc

Τη Δευτέρα, 15 Ιουλίου 2013 10:57:24 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης saosan έγραψε:

Hello to everybody,

i would like to simulate one problem in which i will calculate two variables for example A(N) and B(N). I would like to write these types:

A(N) = max (K(N,T))
B(N)=max(K(N,T) or L(N,T))

K(N,T) and L(N,T) are variables too, which there are in my objective function. So from the variables of those (K and L) i will calculate the others (A and B)

In which way i can do this?

thanks a lot

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