Hello everyone,
I really appreciate your help and I have a problem in my code I wish it is the last one
it says that the
Wait-See model is infeasible
this code for 6-bus system considering the line constraints when solved as deterministic the cost=110915
after solving the deterministic problem this code has PV uncertainity model considered in Irradiance variability
modeld as two stage stochastic
and considered as Weibull PDF
t 'time' / t1*t24 /
i 'generators indices' / g1*g3 /
k 'cost segments' / sg1*sg20 /
char / ch1*ch2 /
l number of lines /1*7/
bus / 1*6 /
r /pv1/;
Alias (t,h);
Alias (bus,node);
scalar eff /0.75/
irr /0/
mw /1000/;
Table gendata(i,*) 'generator cost characteristics and limits'
bus Pmax Pmin a b c CostsD costst RU RD SU SD UT DT uini U0 S0 fuel
g1 1 220 100 0.050 10 100 0 100 55 55 105 108 4 4 0 4 0 1
g2 2 100 10 0.001 40.66 162 0 200 50 50 106 112 2 3 0 0 3 1
g3 6 20 10 0.006 22.06 171 0 0 20 20 43 45 1 1 0 0 1 1;
Table WD(t,*)
d solar
t1 175.19 0
t2 165.15 0
t3 158.67 0
t4 154.73 0
t5 155.06 0
t6 160.48 0
t7 168.39 1
t8 177.6 1
t9 186.81 1
t10 206.96 1
t11 228.61 1
t12 236.1 1
t13 242.18 1
t14 243.6 1
t15 248.86 1
t16 255.79 1
t17 256 1
t18 246.74 0
t19 245.97 0
t20 237.35 0
t21 236.31 0
t22 232.67 0
t23 208.93 0
t24 195.6 0 ;
Table branch(bus,node,*)
x limit
1.2 0.17 200
1.4 0.258 100
2.3 0.037 100
2.4 0.197 100
3.6 0.018 100
4.5 0.037 100
5.6 0.14 100 ;
Table BusData(bus,*) percent of hourly load of each bus
3 0.2
4 0.40
5 0.40;
Set GB(bus,i)
Parameter pvarea(bus) / 5 10000 /;
* -----------------------------------------------------
* linearizing the quadratic fuel cost FC = a*p*p + b*p + c;
Parameter data(k,i,*);
data(k,i,'DP') =(gendata(i,"Pmax") - gendata(i,"Pmin"))/card(k);
data(k,i,'Pini') =(ord(k) - 1)*data(k,i,'DP') + gendata(i,"Pmin");
data(k,i,'Pfin') = data(k,i,'Pini') + data(k,i,'DP');
data(k,i,'Cini') = gendata(i,"a")*data(k,i,'Pini')*data(k,i,'Pini')
+ gendata(i,"b")*data(k,i,'Pini') + gendata(i,"c");
data(k,i,'Cfin') = gendata(i,"a")*data(k,i,'Pfin')*data(k,i,'Pfin')
+ gendata(i,"b")*data(k,i,'Pfin') + gendata(i,"c");
data(k,i,'s') =(data(k,i,'Cfin') - data(k,i,'Cini'))/data(k,i,'DP');
gendata(i,'Mincost') = gendata(i,'a')*gendata(i,"Pmin")*gendata(i,"Pmin")
+ gendata(i,'b')*gendata(i,"Pmin") + gendata(i,'c');
* -----------------------------------------------------
branch(bus,node,'x')$(branch(bus,node,'x')=0) = branch(node,bus,'x');
branch(bus,node,'Limit')$(branch(bus,node,'Limit')=0) = branch(node,bus,'Limit');
branch(bus,node,'bij')$branch(bus,node,'Limit') = 100*(1/branch(bus,node,'x'));
branch(bus,node,'z')$branch(bus,node,'Limit') = branch(bus,node,'x');
branch(node,bus,'z') = branch(bus,node,'z');
Parameter conex(bus,node);
conex(bus,node)$(branch(bus,node,'limit') and branch(node,bus,'limit')) = 1;
conex(bus,node)$(conex(node,bus)) = 1;
* eq. (5.5d) page 122
Parameter unit(i,char);
unit(i,'ch1') = 24;
unit(i,'ch2') =(gendata(i,'UT') - gendata(i,'U0'))*gendata(i,'Uini');
gendata(i,'Lj') = smin(char,unit(i,char));
*eq. (5.6d) page 123
Parameter unit2(i,char);
unit2(i,'ch1') = 24;
unit2(i,'ch2') =(gendata(i,'DT') - gendata(i,'S0'))*(1 - gendata(i,'Uini'));
gendata(i,'Fj') = smin(char,unit2(i,char));
Variable costThermal,delta(bus,t),Pij(bus,node,t);
Positive Variable pu(i,t), p(i,t), StC(i,t), SDC(i,t), Pk(i,t,k),pv(bus,t),ir;
Binary Variable u(i,t), y(i,t), z(i,t);
p.up(i,t) = gendata(i,"Pmax");
p.lo(i,t) = 0;
Pk.up(i,t,k) = data(k,i,'DP');
Pk.lo(i,t,k) = 0;
p.up(i,t) = gendata(i,"Pmax");
pu.up(i,h) = gendata(i,"Pmax");
Uptime1, Uptime2, Uptime3, Dntime1, Dntime2, Dntime3, Ramp1, Ramp2,
startc, shtdnc, genconst1, Genconst2, Genconst3, Genconst4,const1,const2,pvout,irout;
irout.. irr =e= ir;
pvout(bus,t).. pv(bus,t)=e= ir*WD(t,'solar')*pvarea(bus)/mw;
Pij(bus,node,t) =e= branch(bus,node,'bij')*(delta(bus,t) - delta(node,t));
const2(bus,t).. sum(i$GB(bus,i), p(i,t))+pv(bus,t) - sum(node$conex(node,bus), Pij(bus,node,t)) =e= BusData(bus,'pd')*(WD(t,'d'));
Pij.up(bus,node,t)$((conex(bus,node))) = 1*branch(bus,node,'Limit');
Pij.lo(bus,node,t)$((conex(bus,node))) =-1*branch(bus,node,'Limit');
* minimum up time constraints
sum(t$(ord(t)<(gendata(i,"Lj")+1)), 1 - U(i,t)) =e= 0;
sum(t$(ord(t)>24-gendata(i,"UT")+1), U(i,t) - y(i,t)) =g= 0;
Uptime3(i,t)$(ord(t)>gendata(i,"Lj") and ord(t)<24-gendata(i,"UT")+2 and not(gendata(i,"Lj")>24-gendata(i,"UT")))..
sum(h$((ord(h)>ord(t)-1) and (ord(h)<ord(t)+gendata(i,"UT"))), U(i,h)) =g= gendata(i,"UT")*y(i,t);
* minimum down time constraints
sum(t$(ord(t)<(gendata(i,"Fj")+1)), U(i,t)) =e= 0;
sum(t$(ord(t)>24-gendata(i,"DT")+1), 1 - U(i,t) - z(i,t)) =g= 0;
Dntime3(i,t)$(ord(t)>gendata(i,"Fj") and ord(t)<24-gendata(i,"DT")+2 and not(gendata(i,"Fj")>24-gendata(i,"DT")))..
sum(h$((ord(h)>ord(t)-1) and (ord(h)<ord(t)+gendata(i,"DT"))), 1-U(i,h)) =g= gendata(i,"DT")*z(i,t);
* start-up and shut-down constraints
startc(i,t).. StC(i,t) =g= gendata(i,"costst")*y(i,t);
shtdnc(i,t).. SDC(i,t) =g= gendata(i,"CostsD")*z(i,t);
* eq. (5.3d) P lower >= Pmin which PL = Pmin + Pk
p(i,h) =e= u(i,h)*gendata(i,"Pmin") + sum(k, Pk(i,h,k));
* Eq. (5.4a)
U(i,h) =e= U(i,h-1)$(ord(h)>1) + gendata(i,"Uini")$(ord(h)=1) + y(i,h) - z(i,h);
* Eq. (5.2a)
Pk(i,t,k) =l= U(i,t)*data(k,i,'DP');
* ramp rate constraints
Ramp1(i,t).. p(i,t+1) - p(i,t) =l= gendata(i,'RU');;
Ramp2(i,t).. p(i,t-1) - p(i,t) =l= gendata(i,'RD');;
* Objective Function
costThermal =e= sum((i,t), StC(i,t) + SDC(i,t))
+ sum((t,i), u(i,t)*gendata(i,'Mincost') + sum(k, data(k,i,'s')*pk(i,t,k)));
Model UCLP / all /;
file emp / '%emp.info%' /; put emp '* problem %gams.i%'/;
randvar irr weibull 3 0.78
stage 2 irr ir pv p Pij pk delta StC SDC u y z
stage 2 pvout irout const2 const1 Ramp1 Ramp2 genconst1 genconst2 genconst3 Uptime2 Uptime3 Dntime1 Dntime2 Dntime3 startc shtdnc
putclose emp;
Set scen Scenarios / s1*s6 /;
s_irr(scen) irr by scenarioo;
Set dict / scen .scenario.''
irr .randvar .s_irr /;
option emp=lindo;
*option optCr = 0.0;
option reslim = 86400;
*option Savepoint=1;
option optcr=0.005;
solve UCLP min costThermal use emp scenario dict;
Display s_irr;
Parameter report(t,bus,*),solar(bus,*);
report(t,bus,'Gen(MW)') = 1*sum(i$GB(bus,i), P.l(i,t));
solar(bus,'PV output(MW)') = pv.l(bus)
$ifI %system.fileSys%==Unix $exit
$call MSAppAvail Excel
$ifThen not errorLevel 1
execute_unload "case2_3.gdx" report
execute 'gdxxrw.exe case2_3.gdx o=case2_3.xls par=report rng=report!A1'
execute_unload "case2_3.gdx" P.l
execute 'gdxxrw.exe case2_3.gdx o=case2_3.xls var=P rng=PGen!A1'
execute_unload "case2_3.gdx" solar
execute 'gdxxrw.exe case2_3.gdx o=case2_3.xls par=solar rng=PV!A1'
execute_unload "case2_3.gdx" costThermal.l
execute 'gdxxrw.exe case2_3.gdx o=case2_3.xls var=costThermal rng=costThermal!A1'