I cannot figure out how to correctly define the following SOS1 variable.
SOS1 Variable W(j,m,i) ;
Set j /U1,U2/ ;
Set i /T1,T2/ ;
Set t /1*10/ ;
Set m /t * t+p(i,j)-1/ ;
SOS1 Variable W(i,m,j) ;
For example,
If p(i,U1) = 2 and t = 1 the SOS1 set should comprise the variables W(T1,1,U1), W(T1,2,U1), W(T2,1,U1), W(T2,2,U1)
If p(i,U1) = 2 and t = 2 the SOS1 set should comprise the variables W(T1,2,U1), W(T1,3,U1), W(T2,2,U1), W(T2,3,U1)
If p(i,U1) = 2 and t = 3 the SOS1 set should comprise the variables W(T1,3,U1), W(T1,4,U1), W(T2,3,U1), W(T2,4,U1)
So the problem is how to model the set m.