I’m trying to model a open economic CGE model, find an error, SOLVE from line 689 ABORTED, EXECERROR = 1…would anyone help me check,THKS!
help.rar (141 KB)
You are using MCP to solve your model. MCP models need to be square. GAMS tells you (if you look careful at the lst file) that the model is not square:
**** Counts do not match
Single equations in unmatched =E= blocks 2492
Unmatched single free variables 2575
Then GAMS lists the unmatches equations and variables. Best practice for MCP is to provide the matching of variables and equations directly in the model statement then you know where the unmatched vars/equs come from.
Dear Michael,
I have encountered the same issue as him. It seems that the quantity of equations and variables are inequality in our codes. I tried to fix the free variables, but no matter how many variables I fixed, the quantity of ‘Single equations in unmatched’ remains the same. I am a beginner of CGE model and suffered by this problem for few days, could you give some specific advice for me? Thank you.
Best wishes,