Dear Gams-Users,
i´m looking for a solution to the mentioned issue. I tried several versions of if-statements, the latest is written below.
Atm i´m getting the Error message: “Uncontrolled set entered as constant”. I have no idea why though… .can someone solve the knot in my mind?
And if someone has a solution or different idea for the problem i would really appreciate your hints!
Thanks a lot!
binBHKW_1fx(t) “exceltab. binaervar.”;
binary variables
bin_BHKW_1(t) “BHKW an (1) aus (0)”;
$onecho > BHKW1bin_data.txt
par=binBHKW_1fx rng=BHKW_1!D1:E11 Cdim=1
$call GDXXRW.EXE “\\sfsoscha\Eigene Dateien\gamsdir\projdir\Gams_IN.xlsx” @BHKW1bin_data.txt
$GDXIN Gams_IN.gdx
$load binBHKW_1fx
*=== Fix variables to values from Excel file
if( (binBHKW_1fx(t) = 0) or (binBHKW_1fx(t) = 1), bin_BHKW_1.FX(t) = binBHKW_1fx(t); else bin_BHKW_1.FX(t) = na; );
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