I’m sure this is obvious to people smarter than me, but what is a
good, easy way to seed the random number generator? I see discussions
in the group and in the user guide about using the seed and execseed
commands. I’m not sure I can tell from the discussions which is used
when though.
I find I can get by using execseed, e.g.
execseed = 1 + gmillisec(jnow);
This sets the seed based on the time.
On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:54 AM, emily wrote:
I’m sure this is obvious to people smarter than me, but what is a
good, easy way to seed the random number generator? I see discussions
in the group and in the user guide about using the seed and execseed
commands. I’m not sure I can tell from the discussions which is used
when though.
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