regarding equations

please let me know how can we give the following equation in GAMS.
WhatsApp Image 2022-04-04 at 11.00.28 AM.jpeg

That’s too little information. What is a constant, what is a variable? In order to get help try to send a working GAMS source example that has most of this implemented, just the bit that is unclear.


Hii ,
sets t,
parameters E(t), P(t), V(t) and below is the model

Scalar V0 cutin wind speed /4/
       Vn  rated wind speed /7/
       Vmax cutout or maximum wind speed /25/
       Pr rated wind power /100000/
       P_der rated diesel generator power /4000/ ;

   P_pv(t)     power from pv cell
   N_pv     number of pv cells
   Nt number of wind turbines
  P_ES(t) Battery power
    w annual cost of the system
   SOC(t) state of charge
   C_ES(t) energy storage
   E_b battery size
   Pwt(t) wind power
   Nt number wind turbines
   P_de(t) deisel power
N_de No of deisel engines
F(t) fuel consumption;

eq1(t) 'Total load demand '
eq2(t) 'lower limit of number of pv panels'
eq3(t) 'upper limit of number of pv panels'
eq5(t) 'energy storage'
eq6(t) 'state of charge'
eq7(t) 'lower limit of soc'
eq8(t) 'upper limit of soc'
eq9(t) 'solar power'
eq10(t) 'energy storage lower limit'
eq11(t) 'energy storage upper limit'
eq12(t) 'battery power lower limit'
eq13(t) 'battery power upper limit'

obj ;

eq1(t)..  P(t)=e=P_pv(t)+P_ES(t)+Pwt(t)+ P_de(t);
eq2(t)..  N_pv=g=0;
eq3(t)..  N_pv=l=9850;
eq5(t)..  C_ES(t) =e= (C_ES(t-1)*(1-0.05))+(P(t)-P_pv(t)-Pwt(t)-P_de(t));
eq6(t)..  SOC(t)*E_b =e= (C_ES(t));
eq7(t)..  SOC(t) =g= 0.1;
eq8(t)..  SOC(t) =l= 0.9;
eq9(t)..  P_pv(t) =e= 0.3*N_pv*E(t);
eq10(t).. E_b =g= 1000;
eq11(t).. E_b =l= (4690000);
eq12(t).. P_ES (t) =g= -325000;
eq13(t).. P_ES (t) =l= 250000;
eq14(t).. Pwt(t) =e= (Nt*Pr*((V(t)*V(t)*V(t))-(V0*V0*V0))/((Vn*Vn*Vn)-(V0*V0*V0)))$((V0 le V(t)) and ((V(t)<Vn)) );
eq15(t).. Pwt(t) =e= Nt*Pr $((Vn le V(t)) and ((V(t)<Vmax)) ) ;
eq16(t).. Nt=g=0;
eq17(t).. Nt=l=10;
eq21(t).. N_de =g= 0;
eq22(t).. N_de =l= 10;
eq23(t).. P_de(t) =l= 100000*N_de;
eq24(t).. P_de(t) =g= 20000*N_de;
eq29(t).. F(t) =e= (0.2*1e-3*P_de(t)) + (0.08*1e-3*N_de * P_der);

obj.. (0.1009*(10000*N_pv + 1000*E_b + Nt*225000)) + (150*E_b+ 100*Nt + sum(t,F(t)*95))
 + (5*(100*E_b *0.1674))=e= w ;

model MG2 /all/;
solve MG2  using nlp minimizing w;
display  w.l,N_pv.l,E_b.l,Nt.l,N_de.l;

i have problem with eq14 and eq15. please help me sir.

hello sir, Below is the complete file and i have problem with eq14 and 15
ravi.gms (451 KB)

I don’t quite see the similarity in your code vs the algebra you pasted, but the condition when P_WT or Pwt(t) in your model should be equal are all exogenous, hence you can have three constraints (I see only two constrains in your model) that have the condition attached to the equations and if the condition is exclusive, then you will fall into one of these cases:

eq14(t)$((V0 le V(t)) and ((V(t)<Vn)) ).. Pwt(t) =e= (Nt*Pr*((V(t)*V(t)*V(t))-(V0*V0*V0))/((Vn*Vn*Vn)-(V0*V0*V0)));
eq15(t)$((Vn le V(t)) and ((V(t)<Vmax)) ).. Pwt(t) =e= Nt*Pr ;
