I’m Beginning with GAMS. I would like to know if it’s possible to do loop with “sub-set”? For example considering a table with the months of the year /M1M120/, is it possible to create sub-set as /M1M12/, /M13M24/, /M25M36/ etc… and do a loop on a statement in order to have the results for each year?
Or do I have to do several tables?
year ' 'Full set of years' /M1*M120/;
year1(year) 'First half of all years' /M1*M12/,
year2(year) 'Second half of all years' /M25*M36/;
or loop over all years but constrain the loop to the first half
If you have a table over all years, eg.
info(year, techn) Table with info on each technology for each year;
You could for example values to a parameter with only values of the first half of years: