Hi all,
I am using GAMS to solve a MINLP problem. I define y1, y2 and y3 as binary variables. However, the values for those variables that I obtain are not zero or one. GAMS generates some number between zero and one, like 0.54, 0.216 etc. I am wondering if anyone can help me resolve this problem.
Thank you very much.
Binary Variables
y1(i,j,k) y’s are 0-1 variables (heat exchanegrs)
y2(i,l) y’s are 0-1 variables (hot utility)
y3(j,l) y’s are 0-1 variables (cold utility)
---- 203 VARIABLE y1.L y’s are 0-1 variables (heat exchanegrs)
1 2
H1.C1 0.547 0.216
H1.C2 0.252 0.239
H2.C1 0.240
H2.C2 0.287 0.287
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this is because your model is infeasible or in the solve statement you have stated instead of:
Solve “your model” min/max z using MINLP<-RMINLP (which is the relaxed MINLP).
Hope that helps,
Τη ΤετάÏτη, 24 ΣεπτεμβÏίου 2014 11:12:01 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χÏήστης Calder Cui ÎγÏαψε:
Hi all,
I am using GAMS to solve a MINLP problem. I define y1, y2 and y3 as binary variables. However, the values for those variables that I obtain are not zero or one. GAMS generates some number between zero and one, like 0.54, 0.216 etc. I am wondering if anyone can help me resolve this problem.
Thank you very much.
Binary Variables
y1(i,j,k) y’s are 0-1 variables (heat exchanegrs)
y2(i,l) y’s are 0-1 variables (hot utility)
y3(j,l) y’s are 0-1 variables (cold utility)
---- 203 VARIABLE y1.L y’s are 0-1 variables (heat exchanegrs)
1 2
H1.C1 0.547 0.216
H1.C2 0.252 0.239
H2.C1 0.240
H2.C2 0.287 0.287
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