I am setting up my new laptop. I have the following questions with regard to Gams-Python (Gams 30’Beta):
- When I try to install the Python 3.7 with “python setup.py install”, in the API3.7 directory, I get the error message "Fatal error: Trying to install GAMS Python API 3.7 using Python.
- I have tried to run my external python version with Gams, but although I played around with the code described in one of the examples (but not in the documentation), I didn’t manage to get Gams-Python running. I checked for the GMSPYTHONHOME, but I couldn’t find it in my WIndows settings. So it looks like that it was not automatically generated.
$if not setEnv GMSPYTHONHOME
$if %gams.pySetup%==1 $abort.noError Embedded code Python not ready to be used
$if not setEnv GMSPYTHONHOME $log — Using external Python
[/code] - How can I easily get Gams to work with my external Python (I tried the tricks described in a previous post from me, but they didn’t work).