problems in equations (psp)

Hello everyone :smiley:
the gams code is running but I am not sure that my equations are correct, especially for storage (because I get controversial results). If anyone has an idea, please share your opinions. Thanks in advance.

##################### Declaring Sets #################################
i set of conventional generation technologies
r set of RES generation technologies /Wind, PV/
t set of hours /1
n set of nodes (countries) /CH, GER/

alias (n,nn)

  • Alias(Set_Name, Alternate_Name) defines a synonym for a set

    *##################### Declaring Parameters #############################
    vc(i) unit cost (� per MWh)
    sc(i) startup costs (� per MW)
    cap(i,n) installed capacity for each technology i
    cap_RES(r,n) installed capacity for each RES technology r
    pf(t,r,n) hourly production factor for RES
    af(i) availability factor for conv. technologies
    demand(t,n) electricity demand
    g_min(i) minimum generation
    ntc(n,nn) transmission capacities from node n to node nn
    techup technology upload

    **************** Implement PSP parameters ************************************

cap_psp(n) total capacity of pump storage plant
power_cf(n) Power capacity factor that relates installed turbine power to upper lake capacity for each pump storage plant
efcy efficiency of psp
afr_psp avaliability factor of reservoir


*####################### Upload from Excel Excel ##############################

*1.Create Text File which includes the information where which parameter is to find
$onecho > ImportInfo.txt
set=i Rng=Technology!A2 Cdim=0 Rdim=1
Par=techup Rng=Technology!A1:F10 Cdim=1 Rdim=1
Par=demand Rng=Demand!A2 Cdim=1 Rdim=1
Par=pf Rng=RES!A1 Cdim=2 Rdim=1
Par=cap Rng=Technology!G2 Cdim=1 Rdim=1
Par=ntc Rng=NTC!A2 Cdim=1 Rdim=1

*2.Convert Excel File to a .gdx file
$call GDXXRW I=Input_ALPS.xlsx O=Output.gdx @ImportInfo.txt

*3.Read the elements
$gdxin Output.gdx
$Load i
$Load techup, demand, cap, pf, ntc

*Define parameters from the upload-parameter ‘techup’

*Define renewable parameters from the input file
cap_RES(‘wind’,‘CH’)=60 ;
cap_RES(‘wind’,‘GER’)=56130 ;
cap_RES(‘pv’,‘CH’)=730 ;
cap_RES(‘pv’,‘GER’)=54300 ;

**************** Declare PSP parameters ************************************
afr_psp =0.85;
efcy= 0.75;


*Display data to see that everything is uploaded correctly
Display i, t, vc, sc, g_min, cap,cap_RES, af, demand, ntc, pf,n ;

*##################### Declaring Variables #############################
COST total cost of electricity production

Positive Variables
G(i,n,t) generation of technology i at time t
G_RES(r,n,t) generation of RES technology r at time t
P_ON(i,n,t) online capacity of technology i at time t
SU(i,n,t) start up variable
FLOW(n,nn,t) Electrictity flow from node n to node nn in time t

**************** Implement PSP variables ************************************
P_GEN_PSP(n, t) Electricity generated by the pump storage plant in each node n at each time t.
E_PUMP_PSP(n,t) Electricity used to pump water into the upper reservoir of the PSP
STORAGE_PSP(t) Storage level of the pump storage plant at each time t.


*##################### Declaring Equations #############################
obj minimizing total costs
res_dem energy balance (supplly=demand)
res_start startup restriction
res_G_RES maximum for RES generation depends on hourly pf anc cap_RES
res_min_gen minimum generation
res_max_gen maximum generation
res_max_online maximum online restriction
res_flow_1 export has to be smaller than the transmission limit
res_flow_2 import has to be smaller than the transmission limit

**************** Implement PSP equations ************************************

res_max_pgen_psp(n,t) Maximum generation of psp
res_max_util_psp(n,t) Maximum utilization by psp
res_storage_level(t) storage capacity level in time
res_max_storage_psp(t) Maximum storage capacity level


obj… COST =E= SUM((i,n,t), vc(i)* G(i,n,t)+sc(i)*SU(i,n,t))
res_dem(n,t)… SUM(i, G(i,n,t)) + SUM(r, G_RES(r,n,t)) + P_GEN_PSP(n, t) =E= demand(t,n) + sum(nn,FLOW(n,nn,t) - FLOW(nn,n,t))
res_G_RES(r,n,t)… G_RES(r,n,t) =L= cap_RES(r,n)*pf(t,r,n)
res_start(i,n,t)… SU(i,n,t) =G= P_ON(i,n,t)-P_ON(i,n,t-1)
res_min_gen(i,n,t)… P_ON(i,n,t)*g_min(i) =L= G(i,n,t)
res_max_gen(i,n,t)… G(i,n,t) =L= P_ON(i,n,t)
res_max_online(i,n,t)… P_ON(i,n,t) =L= cap(i,n)*af(i)
res_flow_1(n,nn,t)… FLOW(n,nn,t) =L= ntc(n,nn)
res_flow_2(n,nn,t)… FLOW(nn,n,t) =L= ntc(nn,n)
**************** Declare PSP equations ************************************

res_max_pgen_psp(n,t)… P_GEN_PSP(n, t) =L= cap_psp(n) * power_cf(n) * afr_psp * efcy
res_max_storage_psp(t)… STORAGE_PSP(t) =L= sum(n,cap_psp(n) * power_cf(n))
res_max_util_psp(n,t)… E_PUMP_PSP(n,t) =L= cap_psp(n) * power_cf(n) / efcy
res_storage_level(t)… STORAGE_PSP(t) =E= STORAGE_PSP(t-1) + sum(n, E_PUMP_PSP(n,t)) - sum(n, P_GEN_PSP(n,t))


  • ######################### Solving the Model ##############################
    model PSE
    / all/

solve PSE using LP minimizing COST

  • ######################### Reporting ######################################
    Declaring Report Parameters


generation(t,‘bau’,n,i) = G.l(i,n,t) ;
price(t,‘bau’,n) = res_dem.M(n,t) ;

  • Marginal of Energy Balance gives the price (Shadow variable of the energy balance)

startup(‘bau’,i,n,t) = SU.L(i,n,t) ;
modelstats(‘bau’) = PSE.modelstat ;
solvestats(‘bau’) = PSE.modelstat ;

display generation, price, startup, modelstats, solvestats ;

  • or: sometimes it is enough to just display the results in GAMS.
  • e.g.:
    display G.L, P_ON.L, res_dem.M ;

*################################# Excel Export ###############################
*1. Create Text file which includes the information where which parameter is to put
$onecho >out.tmp
Par=generation Rng=generation!A2 Cdim=3 Rdim=1
Par=price Rng=Price!A2 Cdim=2 Rdim=1
Par=startup Rng=StartUp!B2 Cdim=2 Rdim=2
Par=modelstats Rng=Stats!B2 Cdim=0 Rdim=1
Par=solvestats Rng=Stats!E2 Cdim=0 Rdim=1

*2. Put the data in a .gdx file
execute_unload ‘Results.gdx’
*3.Convert the .gdx file to an excel file
execute ‘gdxxrw Results.gdx o=Results.xlsx @out.tmp’ ;
Topics PSP.pdf (115 KB)
Input_ALPS.xlsx (607 KB)