Problem with endogenous variable

Hello all,

I’m trying to rewrite by myself a very simple refinery model to improve my knowledge of GAMS. I’m using Marco oil refinery model found on the GAMS website as a starting point ( I’m trying to make it a bit simpler (labels to help me understand what every equation does and a simpler process to start with). However, at one point I’m having a problem with an endogenous variable apparently and I don’t understand why. Here is my code (some equations are commented out):

option Limrow = 100;

Set component /SR-NAP, SR-GO, SR-FO/
    crude     /CrudeA, CrudeB /
    specs     /Density, Sulphur, VBN /
    final    /GASOLINE, GASOIL, FUELOIL /;

Positive Variable RunsMT(crude);

    Production(crude, component) '%WT of cut' / CrudeA.SR-NAP  0.2107
                                                CrudeA.SR-GO   0.4820   
                                                CrudeA.SR-FO   0.3073
                                                CrudeB.SR-NAP 0.2211
                                                CrudeB.SR-GO  0.4217
                                                CrudeB.SR-FO  0.3572 / 
    Price(final)      'Final product price in $/mt' /GASOLINE 580, GASOIL 550, FUELOIL 400 /
    PriceCrude(crude)     'Crude price in $/bbl' /CrudeA 60, CrudeB 62/
    CrudeAvails(crude)    'Max kbbls per crude'  /CrudeA 300, CrudeB 300/;
Table Properties(crude, component, specs) 'Qualities of cuts'
                          Density       Sulphur         VBN
    CrudeA.SR-NAP          0.712         0.0001           
    CrudeA.SR-GO           0.836         0.0001  
    CrudeA.SR-FO           0.860         0.5000           36
    CrudeB.SR-NAP          0.600         0.0001           
    CrudeB.SR-GO           0.836         0.0001  
    CrudeB.SR-FO           0.858         0.5000           36;    

Table SpecCrude(crude, specs) 'Qualities of crudes'
                     Density       Sulphur
            CrudeA   0.834414      0.1497
            CrudeB   0.823392      0.0571;

Set limit 'Min or Max limit' /min, max/;
Table SpecLimits(limit, final, specs) 'Min Max Qualities for sales'

                          Density       Sulphur         VBN
    max.GASOLINE           0.755         0.1           
    max.GASOIL             0.845         0.1  
    max.FUELOIL            5.991         3.5000           37
    min.FUELOIL            0.800                          32; 

Set  BlendingStream(final, component) 'blending possibility '
             /  GASOLINE.               (SR-NAP)
                GASOIL.                 (SR-GO)
                FUELOIL.                (SR-GO, SR-FO)

    BFComponent(crude, component) 'Component Barrel Factor'
    BFCrude(crude)  'Crude Barrel Factor';

BFComponent(crude, component) = 1000 * (158.9872972 * Properties(crude, component, 'Density')) **(-1);
BFCrude(crude)         = 1000 * (158.9872972 * SpecCrude(crude, 'Density')) **(-1);

display BFComponent, BFCrude;

Variable GPW, ComponentProperty, ComponentOrigin, BlendBalance, Blending, BlendingProperty, BlendingBF;

Positive variable Blend, SaleMT, SaleBBL, TotRunMT, TotRunBBL, ComponentAvail;

TotRunBBL.up = 300;

Equations OBJ,
*          SalesBBL,
*          BlendingProperties
*          MaxSpecLimits
*          BlendingBFs;

OBJ.. GPW =e=  sum(final, SaleMT(final) * Price(final)) - sum(crude, RunsMT(crude) * PriceCrude(crude) * BFCrude(crude));

MaterialBalance.. sum(final, SaleMT(final)) - sum(crude, RunsMT(crude)) =e= 0;
BlendingBalance(component).. ComponentAvail(component) - sum(final, Blend(final, component)) =e= 0;

TotRunsMT.. TotRunMT =e= sum(crude, RunsMT(crude));
TotRunsBBL.. TotRunBBL =e= sum(crude, RunsMT(crude) * BFCrude(crude));
MaxCrudePurchase(crude).. RunsMT(crude) * BFCrude(crude) =l= CrudeAvails(crude);

ComponentAvails(component).. ComponentAvail(component) =e= sum(crude, ComponentOrigin(crude, component));
ComponentOrigins(crude, component).. ComponentOrigin(crude, component) =e= Production(crude, component) * RunsMT(crude);
ComponentProperties(component, specs).. ComponentProperty(component, specs) =e= ComponentAvail(component) * sum(crude, Properties(crude, component, specs));

BlendingProcess(final).. Blending(final) =e= sum(component$BlendingStream(final, component), Blend(final, component));
*BlendingProperties(final, specs).. BlendingProperty(final, specs) =e= sum(component, ComponentProperty(component, specs) * Blend(final, component));
*MaxSpecLimits(final, specs)$SpecLimits("max", final, specs).. BlendingProperty(final, specs) =l= SpecLimits("max", final, specs) * SaleMT(final);

SalesMT(final).. SaleMT(final) =e= Blending(final);

*BlendingBFs(final).. BlendingBF(final) =e= 1000 * (158.9872972 * BlendingProperty(final, 'Density')) ** (-1);
*SalesBBL(final).. SaleBBL(final) =e= SaleMT(final) * BlendingBF(final);

Model RefySimple /ALL/;

SOLVE RefySimple using LP maximizing GPW;

Parameter final_spec_component

final_spec_component(component, specs) = ComponentProperty.l(component, specs) / ComponentAvail.l(component);
*final_spec_sales(final, specs) = BlendingProperty.l(final, specs) / SaleMT.l(final);
*display final_spec_component, final_spec_sales

The equation that is giving me the problem is the BlendingProperties one. Could someone tell me why is that? I am sure my model is linear: I take the property for every component and multiply it for the amount of that component used in the blend through the Blend variable. If I’m doing something wrong, could you point me in the right direction? The Marco model is doing everything with the LP model so I’m sure it’s possible to express this in a linear way. Thanks!


Not sure how your model is related to the marco model from the library (it looks very different).
In equation BlendingProperties you multiply variables

ComponentProperty(component, specs) * Blend(final, component)

. So your model is definitely not linear.

I hope this helps!
