I’m interested in printing formatted strings, where information about a model or solve is plugged into a string of my design.
I am aware that print formatting can be done using put commands when printing to a file. In the example of http://www.gams.com/mccarl/mccarlhtml/basics_of_put.htm, the code
put ’ Optimality status ’ tranport.modelstat:2:0 ;
writes a string like
Optimality status 1
This is exactly what I want, except that put commands can only be used to print to a file. In my case, I want to print such strings to the standard display output instead of to a file. Can anyone advise me about how to do this?
I’m submitting my GAMS models to a server and can not receive any files back. I can only receive back the solver message (ie. the displayed output), which is why I need to write desired information to the output in a structured way so that I can then retrieve it from the message string using a script.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’ll appreciate any insight you can give me.
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