Hi there!
I am new to GAMS, but I am having some problems with getting my code to work. I am first getting the error:
File not found: /Users/woutkonings/Documents/GAMSStudio/workspace/Logistics exercise 1.lst
I don’t know what this means, as I only need the .gms file to run the program, right?
Also in the console, I get the message:
gams: **** Error: Parameter error(s)
: Reading parameter(s) from “command line”
: *** Error Unknown option “exercise”
: Finished reading from “command line”
I don’t have any parameters, only a table which I use in my equation.
If someone could take a look and help a beginner out, that would be great.
I attached my code to this message.
Logistics exercise 1.gms (19.5 KB)