Please help me with this model

Hi there!

I am new to GAMS, but I am having some problems with getting my code to work. I am first getting the error:

File not found: /Users/woutkonings/Documents/GAMSStudio/workspace/Logistics exercise 1.lst

I don’t know what this means, as I only need the .gms file to run the program, right?

Also in the console, I get the message:
gams: **** Error: Parameter error(s)
: Reading parameter(s) from “command line”
: *** Error Unknown option “exercise”
: Finished reading from “command line”

I don’t have any parameters, only a table which I use in my equation.

If someone could take a look and help a beginner out, that would be great.

I attached my code to this message.
Logistics exercise 1.gms (19.5 KB)

Seems that some system does not like the spaces in your file name. Newer version of Studio should not have issues with this. I suggest you rename your file to something without spaces.


Thank you very much! This was indeed the problem.

However, it turned out that our program was to big for the trial version anyways.