Option Threads = 8


I´m using the version 23.5.1 and for some reason the “OPTION Threads = 8” is not working.
I get the error 250 “Unknown option”

Does anyone knows how can I solve this problem ?


Please provide more details about the specific software or context


I’m using version 23.5.1
When I start the optimisation, the log file (.lst) reports “Cplex MIP uses 1 of 8 parallel threads. Change default with option THREADS”

When I incorporate the option threads=8 I get the error 250 “Unknown option” and a list of valid options (ex: interlim, optcr, …), and THREADS is not there


Where did you read about “option threads=n”? Probably in a much newer GAMS documentation. Software evolves. Your version of GAMS is 13 years old! If you use that old software use the documentation that came with that version. At that time, there was no general GAMS option “threads”. If you want Cplex to use multi-threading you will need set the GAMS/Cplex option “threads 8” in a cplex.opt file.

