Hi everyone,

I work in very complex MIP code in GAMS. I have almost 10000000 variable integer and binary. First, I try increase replim number. Now its 40000. I need to see Optimality gap value when GAMS is working. Is it possible ?
Thanks for all support and help.

The solver log shows the gap. Depending on the solver you find this in different places but I don’t know of a MIP solver that doesn’t show the gap. Here is the Cplex log:

        Nodes                                         Cuts/
   Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer    Best Bound    ItCnt     Gap

*     0+    0                       180825.6000   180157.6059             0.37%
Found incumbent of value 180825.600000 after 0.06 sec. (68.42 ticks)
      0     0   180157.6059     5   180825.6000   180157.6059       94    0.37%
      0     0   180180.1797     5   180825.6000       Cuts: 2      104    0.36%
      0     0   180197.8700     5   180825.6000       Cuts: 2      111    0.35%
      0     0   180204.2686     5   180825.6000   ZeroHalf: 1      120    0.34%
      0     0   180205.6965     5   180825.6000       Cuts: 2      128    0.34%
      0     0   180206.0604     5   180825.6000    MIRcuts: 1      132    0.34%
Detecting symmetries...
      0     2   180206.0604    16   180825.6000   180206.0604      132    0.34%
Elapsed time = 0.06 sec. (71.70 ticks, tree = 0.01 MB, solutions = 4)
*    20    11      integral     0   180801.6000   180207.6472      222    0.33%
Found incumbent of value 180801.600000 after 0.06 sec. (72.44 ticks)
*    51    17      integral     0   180765.6000   180276.3000      355    0.27%

The gap is the last column as clear stated by the column header.

It is possible to get programmatic access to the gap (for some solvers). You ask the solver to produce a mip/solve trace (https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/UG_SolverUsage.html#ADVANCED_USAGE_SOLVETRACE) file that contains information about the progress of the solution run and in a different process you read this file (similar to tail -f).
