I wrote a relatively simpler model where the acreage will be allocated
between two different crops (Grasses and Stover).
There are no non-linearities involving the acreage terms. Still, I got
this error #56
“56 Endogenous operands for * not allowed in linear models.”
In stead of LP, I used NLP to solve the problem and I was able to
obtain feasible results. But, I was surprised why this would happen -
since I use only a products but without any non-linear operations (no
power ** or Max/Min/ABS functions?
The following are the only two equations, where the vStoverAc(zone,
quarter) and vGrassac(z) appear. Other equations in the model are
based upon the total biomass derived from these acreages.
What other factors should I be careful about to understand such error
message of non-linearity? I seek this because I am planning to
introduce some non-linearity in acreage terms (or a round-about method
of iterative solve command).
eCostFunction… vCumulativeCost =e=
Sum[(z,q), vcost(“Grass”,z,q) * Yield(“Grass”,q) * vGrassAc(z)]
- Sum[(z,q), vcost(“Stover”,z,q) * Yield(“Stover”,q) * vStoverAc(z,q)]
- Sum[(F,q),(D * vStorage(F,q))]
- [Sum(z,vTerminalcost(‘Stover’,z))/Card(z)]* vExcessStover_T
- [Sum(z,vTerminalcost(‘Grass’,z))/Card(z)]*
vExcessGrass_T ;
*Supply of Stover and Grass in quarter q
eGrassSupply(q)… vGrassS(q) =e= Sum(z,Yield(“Grass”,q) *
vGrassAc(z)) ;
eStoverSupply(q)… vStoverS(q) =e= Sum(z,Yield(“Stover”,q) *
vStoverAc(z,q)) ;
Thank you for your reply.
Subbu Kumarappan
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