Non Linear Optimization

Hello everyone:

I’m new in GAMS and I need to know if I can solve non-linear optimization models if I just have the demo version?. I just want to try whit a problem with just two decision variables, so Can I do this?. I await your answers. I new in GAMS so I prefer start whit the easy ones, that’s all. Greetings from Chile :smiley:.

Hi Hector
See the note on the download homepage:
Without a valid GAMS license the system will operate as a free demo system.

Model limits

Number of constraints and variables: 300
Number of nonzero elements: 2000 (of which 1000 nonlinear)
Number of discrete variables: 50 (including semi continuous, semi integer and member of SOS-Sets)
Additional Global solver limits

Number of constraints and variables: 10
The GAMS log will indicate that your system runs in demo mode


that mean, yes?