Newbie with GAMS

Hello All,

I am rather a newbie with GAMS. My model yields an infeasible solution when solved. I suspect, I have not handled the absolute function in the constraint formulation defined in equation 37-52 (see attached files). Any advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
TEP_Tochi_Garver.gms (2.31 KB)
Garver_TNEP.docx (52.1 KB)


I’m afraid that some of your equations have been entered wrongly!
for example look at constraint 40!
Am I right?

Many thanks for your corrections. I have fixed it. I still have an infeasible solution. See attached GAMS file. Any advice would be appreciated.
TEP_Tochi_Garver_Fixed.gms (2.67 KB)

Hi again,

I think infeasibility comes from the constraints below:

r5.up   = 2.40;
r5.lo   =0;

if you comment these two constraints there is no infeasibility.
I do not know exactly but r5 make the objective function badly constrained.