need help in basic model

Dear All,

I am a beginner in GAMS the following code i run and got error, i know i have some basic mistakes here can anyone help?please
i cannot copy errors. Alos can someone help me in copying errors so that i could share with you people or if needed i ll write them manually.

Thanks alot for your help;)

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR - A agricultural activity
NAGR - A non-agricultural activity

AGR - C agricultural commodity
NAGR - C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U - HHD urban household
R - HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S - I savings-investment
YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR-A, NAGR-A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR-C, NAGR-C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR-C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR-C/
    F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
    I(AC) institutions / U-HHD, R-HHD, GOV, ROW /
    H(I) households / U-HHD, R-HHD /

  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = ‘NO’;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    ’ Alias ’ ( AC , ACAL);
    ’ Alias ’ ( C , CAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (F , FAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (I , IAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

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I hope this help you:
$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR_A agricultural activity
NAGR_A non-agricultural activity

AGR_C agricultural commodity
NAGR_C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U_HHD urban household
R_HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S_I savings-investment
YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR_A, NAGR_A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR_C, NAGR_C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR_C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR_C/
    F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
    I(AC) institutions / U_HHD, R_HHD, GOV, ROW /
    H(I) households / U_HHD, R_HHD /

  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = NO;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    Alias ( AC , ACAL);
    Alias ( C , CAL) ;
    Alias (F , FAL) ;
    Alias (I , IAL) ;
    Alias (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:02 AM, sara sohail wrote:

Dear All,

I am a beginner in GAMS the following code i run and got error, i know i have some basic mistakes here can anyone help?please
i cannot copy errors. Alos can someone help me in copying errors so that i could share with you people or if needed i ll write them manually.

Thanks alot for your help;)

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR - A agricultural activity
NAGR - A non-agricultural activity

AGR - C agricultural commodity
NAGR - C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U - HHD urban household
R - HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S - I savings-investment
YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR-A, NAGR-A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR-C, NAGR-C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR-C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR-C/
    F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
    I(AC) institutions / U-HHD, R-HHD, GOV, ROW /
    H(I) households / U-HHD, R-HHD /

  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = ‘NO’;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    ’ Alias ’ ( AC , ACAL);
    ’ Alias ’ ( C , CAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (F , FAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (I , IAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

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To post to this group, send email to
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Thank you so much for your help your amendment has reduced my errors from 100 to 2 only.

but please firstly tell what did u added to make it better secondly the two errors remaining are saying:

unrecognizable item- skip to find anew statement
second is
identifier expected

and last one is
closing quote missing

please how u eliminate such errors?

Thanking again

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Alireza Bahari wrote:

I hope this help you:

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR_A agricultural activity
NAGR_A non-agricultural activity

AGR_C agricultural commodity
NAGR_C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U_HHD urban household
R_HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S_I savings-investment

YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR_A, NAGR_A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR_C, NAGR_C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR_C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR_C/

F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
I(AC) institutions / U_HHD, R_HHD, GOV, ROW /
H(I) households / U_HHD, R_HHD /


  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = NO;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    Alias ( AC , ACAL);
    Alias ( C , CAL) ;
    Alias (F , FAL) ;
    Alias (I , IAL) ;
    Alias (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:02 AM, sara sohail wrote:

Dear All,

I am a beginner in GAMS the following code i run and got error, i know i have some basic mistakes here can anyone help?please
i cannot copy errors. Alos can someone help me in copying errors so that i could share with you people or if needed i ll write them manually.

Thanks alot for your help;)

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR - A agricultural activity
NAGR - A non-agricultural activity

AGR - C agricultural commodity
NAGR - C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U - HHD urban household
R - HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S - I savings-investment
YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR-A, NAGR-A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR-C, NAGR-C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR-C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR-C/
    F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
    I(AC) institutions / U-HHD, R-HHD, GOV, ROW /
    H(I) households / U-HHD, R-HHD /

  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = ‘NO’;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    ’ Alias ’ ( AC , ACAL);
    ’ Alias ’ ( C , CAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (F , FAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (I , IAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

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I use Gams 23.7 and it has no error!!!
1- your are not allowed to use “-” in Gams and you can use “_” instead of “-”.
2- The Alias statement and parameter declaration were incorrect in your cod.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 1:59 PM, sara sohail wrote:

Thank you so much for your help your amendment has reduced my errors from 100 to 2 only.

but please firstly tell what did u added to make it better secondly the two errors remaining are saying:

unrecognizable item- skip to find anew statement
second is
identifier expected

and last one is
closing quote missing

please how u eliminate such errors?

Thanking again


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Alireza Bahari wrote:

I hope this help you:

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR_A agricultural activity
NAGR_A non-agricultural activity

AGR_C agricultural commodity
NAGR_C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U_HHD urban household
R_HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S_I savings-investment

YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR_A, NAGR_A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR_C, NAGR_C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR_C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR_C/

F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
I(AC) institutions / U_HHD, R_HHD, GOV, ROW /
H(I) households / U_HHD, R_HHD /


  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = NO;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    Alias ( AC , ACAL);
    Alias ( C , CAL) ;
    Alias (F , FAL) ;
    Alias (I , IAL) ;
    Alias (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:02 AM, sara sohail wrote:

Dear All,

I am a beginner in GAMS the following code i run and got error, i know i have some basic mistakes here can anyone help?please
i cannot copy errors. Alos can someone help me in copying errors so that i could share with you people or if needed i ll write them manually.

Thanks alot for your help;)

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR - A agricultural activity
NAGR - A non-agricultural activity

AGR - C agricultural commodity
NAGR - C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U - HHD urban household
R - HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S - I savings-investment
YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR-A, NAGR-A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR-C, NAGR-C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR-C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR-C/
    F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
    I(AC) institutions / U-HHD, R-HHD, GOV, ROW /
    H(I) households / U-HHD, R-HHD /

  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = ‘NO’;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    ’ Alias ’ ( AC , ACAL);
    ’ Alias ’ ( C , CAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (F , FAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (I , IAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

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ok its great i got it:)

Thanks Ali.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Alireza Bahari wrote:

I use Gams 23.7 and it has no error!!!
1- your are not allowed to use “-” in Gams and you can use “_” instead of “-”.
2- The Alias statement and parameter declaration were incorrect in your cod.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 1:59 PM, sara sohail wrote:

Thank you so much for your help your amendment has reduced my errors from 100 to 2 only.

but please firstly tell what did u added to make it better secondly the two errors remaining are saying:

unrecognizable item- skip to find anew statement
second is
identifier expected

and last one is
closing quote missing

please how u eliminate such errors?

Thanking again


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Alireza Bahari wrote:

I hope this help you:

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR_A agricultural activity
NAGR_A non-agricultural activity

AGR_C agricultural commodity
NAGR_C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U_HHD urban household
R_HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S_I savings-investment

YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR_A, NAGR_A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR_C, NAGR_C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR_C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR_C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR_C/

F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
I(AC) institutions / U_HHD, R_HHD, GOV, ROW /
H(I) households / U_HHD, R_HHD /


  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = NO;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    Alias ( AC , ACAL);
    Alias ( C , CAL) ;
    Alias (F , FAL) ;
    Alias (I , IAL) ;
    Alias (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:02 AM, sara sohail wrote:

Dear All,

I am a beginner in GAMS the following code i run and got error, i know i have some basic mistakes here can anyone help?please
i cannot copy errors. Alos can someone help me in copying errors so that i could share with you people or if needed i ll write them manually.

Thanks alot for your help;)

$Title Generic Small Open Economy Model – “SOEM”
$STitle Version 1 with:

  • 2 goods, 2 activities, 2 households;

  • no market power in the world markets;

  • no firms amongst institutions.

  • SETS ===========================================================


AC the global set including all items

  • Since there are no Firms in this exercise, they are excluded from the sets

AGR - A agricultural activity
NAGR - A non-agricultural activity

AGR - C agricultural commodity
NAGR - C non-agricultural commodity

LAB labour
CAP capital

U - HHD urban household
R - HHD rural household

GOV government
ROW rest of world

S - I savings-investment
YTAX income tax
STAX sales tax
TAR import tariff

TOTAL total account in SAM

  • Generating the specific sets and subsets’
    ACNT(AC) all elements in AC except total
    A(AC) activities / AGR-A, NAGR-A /
    C(AC) commodities / AGR-C, NAGR-C /
    CE(C) exported commodities /AGR-C/
    CNE(C) non - exported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CM (C) imported commodities / NAGR-C /
    CNM (C) non - imported commodities /AGR-C/
    F(AC) factors / LAB, CAP /
    I(AC) institutions / U-HHD, R-HHD, GOV, ROW /
    H(I) households / U-HHD, R-HHD /

  • To exclude TOTAL from ACNT:
    ACNT(AC) = YES ;
    ACNT(‘TOTAL’) = ‘NO’;

  • Aliassets to be used when we want to distinguish between two versions, e.g.

  • when summing y(F,F) over columns, we can writeSUM(F y(F,FAL))
    ’ Alias ’ ( AC , ACAL);
    ’ Alias ’ ( C , CAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (F , FAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (I , IAL) ;
    ’ Alias ’ (ACNT , ACNTAL ) ;

  • ‘PARAMETER’ ======================================================

ad(A) shift in the production fnfor activity a
alpha(F,A) elasticity of factor f in the production fnfor activity a
aq(C) shiftparameter in CES aggregationfor commodity c
ax(C) shiftparameter in CES transformationfor commodity c
beta(C,H) share of households total spending on commodity c
CPI consumer price index

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