How can I iterate the txt file name (trial-1, trial-2, … etc.) to get variable values for each weight set (w1, w2) in multi objective opt. model? OR, is it possible to get these in an excel file with different sheets? For example; the results of weight set (5,2) will be exported to the sheet name (5,2) then results of weightset (5,3) will be exported to the sheet named (5,3) but in same excel file?
Code Block:
file results/C:\Users\Desktop\trial\res\trial-1.txt/;
put results;
put system.ifile/;
put system.date/;
put system.time/;
put w1/;
put w2/;
put 'i j var 1 var 2'/;
put i.tl, j.tl, put var1.l(i), put var2.l(i)/
putclose results;