Hello, I am trying to run a non-linear optimizing problem using the BARON solver in GAMS:
The code is the following:
option optcr=0.0, optca=0.0, solver=baron;
Nonlinear optimization problem solved with BARON
Set i;
Set j;
Parameter s(i) 'demand rate for each SKU';
Parameter d(j) 'stockout probability of each SKU';
$include C:\Users\ricardo.cabral\Documents\Project\demand_rate.csv
$include C:\Users\ricardo.cabral\Documents\Project\data.csv
Positive Variable a(i,j) "Substitution rate between intrinsics i and substitutes j";
Positive Variable l(i) "Intrinsic demand for each SKU";
Equation obj 'objective function';
obj.. sum(j$(j <> i), a(i,j)*l(j)*d(j)) + l(i) - s(i) =e= 0;
Model nlopt 'Nonlinear optimization problem' /all/;
nlopt.obj = obj;
nlopt.l = l;
nlopt.a = a;
nlopt.s = s;
$solver BARON nlopt min;
However, specially in the objective function I am obtaining lots of errors, such as errors 148,149,135 and 171.
Can someone help me please?