MIP status (108): Time limit exceeded, no integer solution

Dear All.
I’m solving a MIP problem, but the next error line produce GAMS:
MIP status(108): time limit exceeded, no integer solution
Resource limit exceeded, no integer solution found.

Anybody knows how to extend this time limit?


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Dear Edu;

I think these links will help:



This option specifies the maximum time in seconds that the computer can run during execution of a solver, before the solver terminates the run. This option is used by setting

Option Reslim=realnumber;

The default value is 1000.

Etlim: Etl

This GAMS parameter controls the time limit for a job. A GAMS job will terminate if the elapsed time in seconds exceeds the value of Etlim. Numeric input is expected

The command is implemented with the syntax




The default value for Etlim is +inf.

The system will terminate with a compilation or execution error if the limit is reached.


12 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe 23:26:48 UTC+3 tarihinde Eduardo yazdı:

Dear All.
I’m solving a MIP problem, but the next error line produce GAMS:
MIP status(108): time limit exceeded, no integer solution
Resource limit exceeded, no integer solution found.

Anybody knows how to extend this time limit?


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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/gamsworld?hl=en.