I am trying to solve multiple iterations of an MCP model where I adjust a single parameter in the model. To do so, I wrote a loop statement that goes through a set of scenarios “i”, changes the particular parameter, solves the model, and then stores values as reference parameters(using a similar method in therisk.gms loop from the McCarl gams guidehttps://www.gams.com/mccarlGuide/programs_with_multiple_solve_statements.htm). My problem is that many of the parameter scenarios result in locally infeasible solutions, but are feasible when solved with the same parameters outside of the loop. Does this occur because of the PATH solver working from previous solutions when there is multiple solves in the same loop? Is there a way that I can “reset” the model so that it can start without the previous solution and give results similar to when I manually input the parameters outside of the loop? I tried using option solveopt = replace and clear within the loop, but it had no effect. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
mcp_gams_loop_problem.gms (8.6 KB)