I’m working on a pixel-based agricultural model that has 2 parts: a water balance and a crop-land allocation. I am having some trouble with the constraints for the crop-land allocation. In particular I want to know the amount of land that can be devoted to a particular crop in a pixel, n, during month m given the water balance. The problem I am facing has to do with the time index. I am working at a monthly time scale for a period of 1 typical Jan-Dec year. One of the constraints I am trying to implement is “Land_in_time” which means once land is devoted to a crop, the amount of land for that crop cannot change during the growing period. In other words,the designated cropland must be constant through the growing period .
(cropland(month) = cropland(month+1) for months in the growing period
The problem:
The growing period for some crops will “wrap around” the typical Jan-Dec year. A crop grown starting in november may finish in february. With a regular index I can’t say that the cropland for december = cropland for january.
I tried to create another time index, TM that maps a time counter t to the months. I also created a set GP (growing period) that maps time with months by crop. A snippet of the code is shown below. This is not working as well as I hoped because i’m writing the constraint like this: CropLand(n,crop,t+1,m+1)=E= CropLand(n,crop,t,m) but m still cannot exceed it’s limit and loop back to the beginning so I didn’t really solve the problem.
Does anyone have some ideas? I would greatly appreciate it.
Parts of the Code:
set m/jan feb march apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec/
set t/ t1*t12/
set TM(t,m)
set GP(crop,t,m) ‘Growing period’
A(n) = area of pixel
sum(crop, cropTotLand(n,crop,m)) + NonCropLand(n,m) =E= A(n); // Land can only be devoted to cropland or to noncropland.
cropTotLand(n,crop,m) =E= sum(t, CropLand(n,crop,t,m)$GP(crop,t,m));
- These two constraints add a time component to the cropland and restrict the maximum value. The kc implicitly represents the LGP
- The total land devoted to crops must be less than what is considered “arable” if it’s in the growing period (crop coefficient, kc >0) or must be 0 if kc=0.
Land_arable(n,crop,t,m)$(Domain(n) and GP(crop,t,m) and kc(crop,m)GT 0)…
CropLand(n,crop,t,m) =L= arableLand(n,crop)*A(n);
Land_arable2(n,crop,t,m)$(Domain(n) and GP(crop,t,m) and kc(crop,m)EQ 0)…
CropLand(n,crop,t,m) =L= 0;
- Once a certain amount of Cropland is set for a crop, it must remain constant/unchanged for the LGP.
Land_in_time(n,crop,t,m)$(Domain(n) and GP(crop,t,m) and (kc(crop,m)GT 0) and not endMonthLGP(crop,t,m))…
CropLand(n,crop,t+1,m+1)=E= CropLand(n,crop,t,m);
Anjuli Jain Figueroa, EIT
MS Technology and Policy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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