I would appreciate your help with my problem. I have a standard DEA model and my intention is to display input weights in the summary report. The command “display v.l” works fine and the code looks like this:
set headers / modelstat, solvestat, objval /;
parameter rep(k,headers) solution report summary;
option limrow=0, limcol=0, solprint=silent,
slice(j) = data(k,j);
solve dea using lp max eff;
rep(k,‘modelstat’) = dea.modelstat;
rep(k,‘solvestat’) = dea.solvestat;
rep(k,‘objval’ ) = dea.objval;
display v.l;
display rep;
However, this format is not convenient for further work with the data, that’s why I want to introduce additional columns into the summary report in order to link the input weights to relevant units. The code is:
set headers / modelstat, solvestat, objval, inputweights /;
parameter rep(k,headers) solution report summary;
option limrow=0, limcol=0, solprint=silent,
slice(j) = data(k,j);
solve dea using lp max eff;
rep(k,‘modelstat’) = dea.modelstat;
rep(k,‘solvestat’) = dea.solvestat;
rep(k,‘objval’ ) = dea.objval;
rep (k, ‘inputweights’)= v.l;
display rep;
and GAMS reports the error 148 “Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less
indices as declared”.
What is wrong here? The GAMS file is attached.
Thank you in advance,
Untitled_3.gms (1.08 KB)