** Infeasible solution. There are no super basic variables.
Please guide me how to solve this issue.
Here is my Formulation:
$title Maximization of Revenue
i ’Power values in 24hours’ /i1*i24/
SOC_max ‘Maximum State of Charge’ /400/
SOC_min ‘Minimum State of Charge’ /80/
SOC_start ‘Starting State of Charge’ /80/
Bp ‘Battery Power limit’ /80/
ita_c ‘Charging efficiency’ /0.8/
ita_d ‘Discharging efficiency’ /0.8/;
C(i) ’Power cost per hour’ /i1 59.064, i2 59.029, i3 61.85, i4 61.93, i5 60.61, i6 68.27, i7 88.04, i8 88.159, i9 94.74, i10 90.966, i11 92.4459, i12 88.46, i13 100.79, i14 98.9, i15 118.96, i16 164.34, i17 159.08, i18 94.05, i19 88.99, i20 113.5, i21 91.95, i22 72.11, i23 70.22, i24 56.059/
Pw(i) ‘Forecasted Wind Power’ /i1 60.416, i2 39.83, i3 37.83, i4 45.83, i5 60.416, i6 39.83, i7 57.416, i8 93.416, i9 85.083, i10 90.16, i11 84.083, i12 86.75, i13 50.416, i14 93.75, i15 82.75, i16 88.083, i17 86.583, i18 87.583, i19 76.25, i20 91.3, i21 78.916, i22 79.583, i23 71.583, i24 72.5/;
z ’Objective function’
S ‘Present State of Charge’
P(i) ‘power generation level in MW’
Pch(i) ‘power charging level in MW’
Pdch(i) ‘power discharging level in MW’
Soc(i) ‘State of charge of BESS’ / i1.fx 80 /
P(i) ’Energy dispatch’ / i1i24.up 220 , i1i24.lo 0 /
Pdch(i) ’Discharging Power’ / i1i24.up 80 , i1i24.lo 0 /
Pch(i) ’Charging Power’ / i1i24.up 0 , i1i24.lo -80 /;
F ’Expected cost’
bal0(i) ‘Power balance’
Soc_mov ‘Present State of Charge’
Soc_limitu(i) ‘State of charge upper limit’
Soc_limitl(i) ‘State of charge lower limit’
Ch_DCh(i) ‘Charging Discharging Mutually Exclusive’;
F … z=E= sum (i, C(i)*P(i) );
bal0(i) … (Pw(i)+Pch(i)/ita_c+Pdch(i)*ita_d) =E= P(i);
Soc_limitu(i) … Soc(i) - Pch(i) + Pdch(i) =L= Soc_max;
Soc_limitl(i) … Soc(i) - Pch(i) + Pdch(i) =G= Soc_min;
Soc_mov(i) … Soc(i+1) =E= Soc(i) - Pch(i) + Pdch(i);
Ch_DCh(i) … Pch(i)*Pdch(i) =E= 0;
MODEL wfdispatch /all/ ;
SOLVE wfdispatch maximizing z using nlp ;
Display z.L, P.L;
Thank you so much.
Kind regards,
University of Wollongong