infeasible result

SBR-project.rar (19.2 KB)
Hello, I wrote this code a while ago and it used to give me a solution. Now i downloaded the new gams 30 and it it started giving me infeasible result with the same parameters used in excel
I also had a problem viewing the parameters and the results in the GDX file.

set t /t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6/, i /i1,i2,i3/;

parameter lls(t,i);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=lls rng=Sheet1!b1:e7 rdim=1 cdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
$LOAD lls

parameter rls(t,i);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=rls rng=Sheet1!h1:k7 rdim=1 cdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
$LOAD rls
parameter L(t,i);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=L rng=Sheet1!c17:f23 rdim=1 cdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
parameter liso(t);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=liso rng=Sheet1!b10:c15 rdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
$LOAD liso
parameter bid(t);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=bid rng=Sheet1!e10:f15 rdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
$LOAD bid

parameter lvpp(t);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=lvpp rng=Sheet1!h10:i15 rdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
$LOAD lvpp

parameter tt(t);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=tt rng=Sheet1!c25:d30 rdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx
$LOAD tt

parameter S(t);

$call GDXXRW SBR-project.xlsx trace=3 par=S rng=Sheet1!n2:o7 rdim=1
$GDXIN SBR-project.gdx

variables E(t), D(t), G(t),rls2(t), of;

binary variables y(t), x(t), yls(t,i),ylr(t,i);
equations eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8, eq9, eq10, Objective;

Objective(t,i) … sum((ttt),liso(ttt)* bid(ttt)- sum((ii), yls(ttt,ii)*lls(ttt,ii)*rls(ttt,ii))+lvpp(t)*D(ttt)-E(ttt)- (y(ttt)555))=e=of;
eq1(t)… G(t)=e=D(t)+bid(t)-S(t)-6;
eq2(t)… G(t)=g=0;
eq3(t)… G(t)=l= x(t)6;
eq4 (t)… G(t+1)=g= -tt(t) +G(t);
eq5 (t)… G(t+1)=l= tt(t) +G(t);
eq6 (t)… y(t)=e= max(0,(x(t)-x(t-1)));
eq7 (t)… E(t)=e= 120+10
eq8 (t,i)… rls2(t)=e=sum((ii),yls(t,ii)*rls(t,ii));
eq9 (t,i)… yls(t,i)=e=ylr(t,i);
eq10 (t,i)… D(t)=e=sum((ii),L(t,ii))-rls2(t);
G.up(t) =6;

Model demandbid /all/
Solve demandbid us MINLP maximizing of;
display of.l, G.l, D.l;

Without the data there is little help. Try a global solver for non-convex problems when you pay no attention to a starting point.


Thank you for your reply.
I’ve attached the zip file of the code and the data.
Can you please suggest a global solver that I can use that may solve the issue.


Even if you remove constraints e6 and e7 (now the model becomes linear and can be solved as a MIP) the model is infeasible. So your claim that you got a solution (for this data) can’t be true. Moreover, you only have max and sqr(G(t)) in your model. Due to your direction of your objective you can change =e= to =g= in eq7 and this makes this a convex quadratic constraint (and you can solve directly with e.g. Cplex). Same holds for the constraint with max. Just replace e6 by y(t) =g= x(t)-x(t-1).

Now you have a convex model and if now a solver says infeasible that you can trust this and work on getting rid of your infeasibility. I have used Cplex’ feasopt (see but on needs model/application knowledge to use this info.

I have attached the modified GAMS model. BTW, I replaced the gdxxrw commands, so this gets only called if the Excel file has changed. Moreover, you might want to use gdxxrw multi-symbol processing to just a do a single gdxxrw call (see

SBR-project.gms (2.54 KB)

Thank you for your help and reply, which was really helpful.
in the attached file, I am trying to extend the time over 24 hours period rather than 6 hrs, and there was a problem with the OF result where it is a negative result. I was also not able to view the gdx of all parameters combined.
thanks in advance.

renproject.rar (31.6 KB)

Not sure what you mean. The OF is negative okay, but you have plenty of negative terms in the objective. Remember, this is the objective of a feasible relaxation! feasOptMode=3 ( combines relaxtion and optimization: Minimize the number of constraints and bounds requiring relaxation in first phase and execute second phase to find optimum among minimal relaxations.

Also not sure what you mean with I was also not able to view the gdx of all parameters combined. . If I run the with F10 in Studio I get a good GDX file file all the results. Not sure how you try to create the GDX file.
