My model gives the error in the execution:row ‘…’ infeasible, all entries at implied bounds
The objective function with the first three additional functions can be executed without problems. In combination with the fourth and fifth additional functions, this error is displayed.
Can you help me with this problem?
Untitled_8.gms (5.34 KB)
There are different way to analyze infeasibilities. Just search the forum. You are the only one who can deal with it. We (forum member) can just point you to ways to analyze this. One way is iis (see e.g. https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/S_CPLEX.html#CPLEXiis). If this is small (as in your case) this often helps. Cplex spits out the following iis (when solving as rmip):
Number of equations in the conflict: 7.
fixed: Bestandsausgl(j1,t1) = -150
upper: Produktionsbed(j1,l1,s1,s1) < 0
upper: Produktionsbed(j1,l1,s2,s1) < 0
upper: Produktionsbed(j1,l1,s3,s1) < 0
upper: Produktionsbed(j1,l2,s1,s1) < 0
upper: Produktionsbed(j1,l2,s2,s1) < 0
upper: Produktionsbed(j1,l2,s3,s1) < 0
Number of variables in the conflict: 1.
lower: IL(j1,t1) > 0
Other methods are feasOpt (see e.g. https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/S_CPLEX.html#CPLEX_FEASIBLE_RELAXATION) or you proving a “solution” and using the equation listing to spot the problem.
Good luck.