does anyone know if there is the possibility to index the value of a range when importing from excel with GDXXRW?
For example:
$call gdxxrw.exe Test.xlsx set=art rng=CO!A7:A92
I would like to store that “92” in a variable, so that i could just modify an initial (ie) scalar i and then call the range with something like A7:A(i).
Since you run gdxxrw at compile time ($call) using a calculated scalar makes little sense (because the calculation happens at run time, so after the compile phase). You could store the 92 in a compile time variable:
Gdxxrw is also nice because you can also just supply to north east corner of a range and gdxxrw stops after it got two (you can configure the number using the gdxxrw parameter skipEmpty) blank rows and to blank columns.
I have been looking for a solution like this on the net for several hours, but I wasn’t able to solve my issue.
Thank you for your precious help Michael.
All the best