Hi Goliii
You define slice over one set (j), but you gdx command says it is a two-dimensional parameter (cdim=1, rdim=1)
Von: gamsworld@googlegroups.com [mailto:gamsworld@googlegroups.com] Im Auftrag von goliii
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2013 12:02
An: gamsworld@googlegroups.com
Betreff: Re: Importing Data from Text file
Hi Renger,
Thanks but it doesnt work and get same error!
I do not know if there is any influence but I specify A1:d45 but in the error log it mentions b2.:d45 !
Any ideas what could be wrong?
I am attaching the Error Log.
Thank you, Cheers,
On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 6:47:36 AM UTC+1, Renger van Nieuwkoop wrote:
Slice instead of slice(j)
sent from my iPad
Am 27.11.2013 um 06:46 schrieb “goliii” :
Hi Renger,
thank you for your help!
I added Trace=3 to the call and I tried to change the staff which you said but I still have problem. I guess the error caused by "$load slice(j) " but I dont know what could I write instead of it??!!
i Units /DMU01*DMU44/
j inputs and outputs /Budget, Personal,Absolventen /
ji(j) inputs /Budget, Personal /
jo(j) outputs/ Absolventen /;
Alias (i,k);
$Call GDXXRW.exe table1.xlsx set=i rng=a1:a45 cdim=1 set=j rng=b1:d45 rdim=1 Par=slice rng=a1:d45 cdim=1 rdim=1 Trace=3
parameter slice(j) slice of data
eff_k(i) efficiency report;
$GDXIN table1.gdx
$load slice(j)
Positive Variables v(ji) input weights
u(jo) output weights;
Variable eff efficiency;
Equations defe efficiency defiition - weighed output
denom weighted input
lime(i) ‘output/input < 1’;
10 i Units /DMU01*DMU44/
11 j inputs and outputs /Budget, Personal,Absolventen /
12 ji(j) inputs /Budget, Personal /
13 jo(j) outputs/ Absolventen /;
15 Alias (i,k);
22 parameter slice(j) slice of data
23 eff_k(i) efficiency report;
GDXIN C:\Users\Golnaz\Documents\gamsdir\projdir\table1.gdx
— MERGE j = 2:j
27 $load slice(j)
**** $495,496,194,496
30 Positive Variables v(ji) input weights
31 u(jo) output weights;
33 Variable eff efficiency;
Thanks a lot.
On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 2:15:34 PM UTC+1, Renger van Nieuwkoop wrote:
Hi Goliii
In order to find the error you can add Trace=3 to the call
$Call GDXXRW.exe table1.xlsx dset=i rng=a2:a45 rdim=1 dset=ji(j) rng=b1:c45 cdim=1 rdim=1 dset=jo(j) rng=d1:d45 cdim=1 Trace=3
If you do that, you will see some of the errors in your output window.
Furthermore, you should
· not use ji(j) but just ji (same for jo) in the call,
· not define the sets explicitly if you want to read them from the excel file (so only set i, j, ij(j), jo(j)
· check the ranges for the sets and read all the sets (you forgot j and have some mistakes in the ranges).
Hope this helps
From: gams...@googlegroups.com [mailto:gams...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of goliii
Sent: Dienstag, 26. November 2013 13:44
To: gams...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Importing Data from Text file
Dear Renger,
I changed it to .xlsx, but I faced again with same error!
i Units /DMU01*DMU44/
j inputs and outputs /Budget, Personal,Absolventen /
ji(j) inputs /Budget, Personal /
jo(j) outputs/ Absolventen /;
Alias (i,k);
table data(i,j)
$Call GDXXRW.exe table1.xlsx dset=i rng=a2:a45 rdim=1 dset=ji(j) rng=b1:c45 cdim=1 rdim=1 dset=jo(j) rng=d1:d45 cdim=1
$GDXIN table1.gdx
$load i ji(j) jo(j)
parameter slice(j) slice of data
eff_k(i) efficiency report;
Positive Variables v(ji) input weights
u(jo) output weights;
table data(i,j)
**** File: C:\Users\Golnaz\Documents\gamsdir\projdir\table1.gdx
**** Msg : No such file or directory
20 $GDXIN table1.gdx
**** $510
21 $load i ji(j) jo(j)
**** $502
On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:33:08 PM UTC+1, Renger van Nieuwkoop wrote:
Hi Golliii
You use the xls as extension but your file has the extension xlsx, so replace xls by xlsx.
From: gams...@googlegroups.com [mailto:gams...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of goliii
Sent: Dienstag, 26. November 2013 12:42
To: gams...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Importing Data from Text file
Hi Renger,
now I want to import data from an Excel file and I used following code:
i Units /DMU01*DMU44/
j inputs and outputs /Budget, Personal,Absolventen /
ji(j) inputs /Budget, Personal /
jo(j) outputs/ Absolventen /;
Alias (i,k);
table data(i,j)
$Call GDXXRW.exe table1.xls dset=i rng=a2:a45 rdim=1 dset=ji(j) rng=b1:c45 cdim=1 rdim=1 dset=jo(j) rng=d1:d45 cdim=1
$GDXIN table1.gdx
$load i ji(j) jo(j)
parameter slice(j) slice of data
eff_k(i) efficiency report;
Positive Variables v(ji) input weights
u(jo) output weights;
Variable eff efficiency;
but I faced with error number 510 (no such a file!!!):
table data(i,j)
**** File: C:\Users\Golnaz\Documents\gamsdir\projdir\table1.gdx
**** Msg : No such file or directory
20 $GDXIN table1.gdx
**** $510
21 $load i ji(j) jo(j)
**** $502
25 parameter slice(j) slice of data
**** $463
26 eff_k(i) efficiency report;
could you please tell me what’s wrong is with this model ?
I send you my Excel file too.
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