If-Else Statement (Not $ sign)

Hello everyone,

I am aware of $ sign, but in my knowledge it is used for conditional definitions of variables, equations, parameters and etc. What I want to do is that controlling a code block(solve statement in this case) as it can be basically done in every coding language. Here is an example:

option mip=cplex;
option optcr = 0.00001;
model model1 /a,b,c/;
solve model1 min z using mip;
option mip=cplex;
option optcr = 0.00001;
model model2 /a,d,e/;
solve model2 min z using mip;

Is it possile to do this ?

Thanks in advance

Hi barssk

Take a look at the documentation https://www.gams.com/24.8/docs/userguides/mccarl/if_else_and_elseif_2.htm


Thank you very much Renger. No idea why I couldnt find this before :slight_smile: