Hi All,
I am new to use GAMS so I need an advice about my first modelling.
Model needs to use a paramater as set in equation. How can I show it in GAMS?
The related model section as below;
i /115/
j /110/
parameter as index table
binary variable;
x(i), y(i,j)
y(d(i,j),j)=x(d(i,j)) for all j
when I insert the equation into GAMS like above. GAMS warns it needs a set.
I suggest investing a little more time learning before you seek help here, see the rules of the forum (https://forum.gamsworld.org/app.php/rules). There is good tutorial material out there. As a starter: https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/UG_MAIN.html#UG_Tutorial_Examples and https://www.youtube.com/user/GAMSLessons.
thanks for advices Michael. I pay attention to rules of forum.
After the tutorial and videos, I can ask details if I cannot solve the my question.