Hi Poncho
Here is the corrected code. Have a good look at the changes and compare them to your code, so you can see what went wrong.
For the equations, my corrections might not what you intend to do, but it gives you at least an idea how to proceed.
i product /1,2,3,4/
j oven /1,2/;
mp (i) raw material
/1 2, 2 3, 3 3, 4 2/,
nop (i) labor
/1 2, 2 4, 3 3, 4 2/
utilidad (i) utility
/1 400, 2 600, 3 500, 4 550/,
pr (i) min production needed
/1 10, 2 15, 3 12, 4 10/,
CR(j) rental cost of the ovens
/1 2000, 2 2500/;
Table tiempo (i,j) time required in the oven
1 2
1 10 8
2 20 25
3 15 12
4 15 12;
Positive Variable x(i,j);
Binary Variable y(j);
Free Variable z;
manodeobra labor work
materiaprima raw material
horno(j) max time in each oven
produccion(i,j) production needed
*decision of which oven I am going to use
fo… z=e=sum((i,j),utilidad(i)*x(i,j))-sum(j,y(j)*CR(j));
manodeobra… sum((i,j),nop(i)*x(i,j))=l=160;
materiaprima… sum((i,j),mp(i)*x(i,j))=l=400;
produccion(i,j)… x(i,j)=g=pr(i);
decision(i,j)… sum(jj,x(i,jj))=l=10000*y(j);
Model prob2 /all/
Solve prob2 max z using MIP;
From: gamsworld@googlegroups.com [mailto:gamsworld@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Poncho Faure
Sent: Dienstag, 21. April 2015 18:38
To: gamsworld@googlegroups.com
Subject: Help with my code “Set is under control already”
Hi, I am a new user of GAMS and for my homework they asked me to solve this problem. I type my code, as I think it was correct, but when I run it, it marks me couple of errors, so if you can help me that will be great. Thank you
Here is my code:
i product /1,2,3,4/
j oven /1,2/
mp (i) raw material
/1 2, 2 3, 3 3, 4 2/
no (i) labor
/1 2, 2 4, 3 3, 4 2/
utilidad (i) utility
/1 400, 2 600, 3 500, 4 550/
pr (i) min production needed
/1 10, 2 15, 3 12, 4 10/
CR(j) rental cost of the ovens
/1 2000, 2 2500/;
Table tiempo (i,j) time required in the oven
1 2
1 10 8
2 20 25
3 15 12
4 15 12;
Positive Variable x(i,j);
Binary Variable y(j);
Free Variable z;
manodeobra labor work
materiaprima raw material
horno(j) max time in each oven
produccion(i) production needed
decision(i); decision of which oven I am going to use
fo… z=e=sum((i,j),utilidad(i)*x(i,j)-sum(j,y(j)*CR(j));
manodeobra… sum((i,j),mo(i)*x(i,j))=l=160;
materiaprima… sum((i,j),mp(i)*x(i,j))=l=400;
produccion(i)… x(i,j)=g=pr(i);
decision(i)… sum(j,x(i,j))=l=10000*y(j);
Model prob2 /all/
Solve prob2 max z using MIP;
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