Help with Equation using Tables


I am very new to GAMS so I still have a lot to learn. I was hoping
someone could help me with this problem.
I have a table S(i,j) and I want this table multiplied by V(j) to
equal to 0 for each i. so far I have;
however this sums all i’s. Below is my actual code, as I mentioned, I
am very new so it may be a little weak.

Overall, the goal is to solve

max each Vj individually

Sum(Sij*Vj) = 0

Sum(Gij*Vj) < 0

Any help would be very much appreciated!


Sets i metabolites / Amet, Bmet /
j reactions / upA, AB1, AB2, exB /
e efm / efm1, efm2 /

Table S(i,j) Stoichiometry
upA AB1 AB2 exB
Amet 1 -1 -1 0
Bmet 0 1 1 -1 ;

Table G(e,j) Elementary
upA AB1 AB2 exB
efm1 -1 -1 -1 -1
efm2 -1 -1 -1 -1 ;

Parameter U(j)
/upA = 100
AB1 = 100
AB2 = 100
exB = 100/;

Parameter L(j)
/upA = -100
AB1 = -100
AB2 = -100
exB = -100/;

Parameter O(j)
/upA = 1
AB1 = 0
AB2 = 0
exB = 0/;

Variable obje, V(j);
v.up[j] = U(j); v.lo[j] = L(j);

Equation Stoke, Mode, goal;

Model flux /all/;
solve flux maximize obje using LP;


I think what you are after is the following change to the Stoke

Equation Stoke(i)


This sets S(i,j)*V(j) = 0 for each and every individual i element.


On Apr 8, 3:27 am, Rance wrote:


I am very new to GAMS so I still have a lot to learn. I was hoping
someone could help me with this problem.
I have a table S(i,j) and I want this table multiplied by V(j) to
equal to 0 for each i. so far I have;
however this sums all i’s. Below is my actual code, as I mentioned, I
am very new so it may be a little weak.

Overall, the goal is to solve

max each Vj individually

Sum(Sij*Vj) = 0

Sum(Gij*Vj) > j

Any help would be very much appreciated!


Sets i metabolites / Amet, Bmet /
j reactions / upA, AB1, AB2, exB /
e efm / efm1, efm2 /

Table S(i,j) Stoichiometry
upA AB1 AB2 exB
Amet 1 -1 -1 0
Bmet 0 1 1 -1 ;

Table G(e,j) Elementary
upA AB1 AB2 exB
efm1 -1 -1 -1 -1
efm2 -1 -1 -1 -1 ;

Parameter U(j)
/upA = 100
AB1 = 100
AB2 = 100
exB = 100/;

Parameter L(j)
/upA = -100
AB1 = -100
AB2 = -100
exB = -100/;

Parameter O(j)
/upA = 1
AB1 = 0
AB2 = 0
exB = 0/;

Variable obje, V(j);
v.up[j] = U(j); v.lo[j] = L(j);

Equation Stoke, Mode, goal;

Model flux /all/;
solve flux maximize obje using LP;
