Hi! I´m doing a MINLP model to minimize water punmping systems, and i
use 2 loop´s in it.
The problem comes when i try tu use GDX utilities to write the several
solutions to a xls file,
because it only write the last solution.
Can someone help?
If you are only getting one solution, it is most likely due to the
placement of your statement in (or outside) of your loops. Perhaps
post a copy of your code, then we might solve it together.
I had a similar problem once, and it turned out that it wasn’t so much
the loop that was causing the problem, but rather that I was always
overwriting my data, which meant I was always stuck with the last
solution. In this case I advise to include a counter in your loop, and
generate new sheets each time, ensuring that your solutions are on
different worksheets (or you can do it with workfiles too).
On 1 Feb., 13:26, nieBidon wrote:
Hi! I´m doing a MINLP model to minimize water punmping systems, and i
use 2 loop´s in it.
The problem comes when i try tu use GDX utilities to write the several
solutions to a xls file,
because it only write the last solution.
Can someone help?