GDX Table structure


When I make GDX table with following code. two different table structure are coming. How could I enforce the case-1 style?

set i /i1 * i10/;
set j /j1 * J3/;
parameter a(i, j);
a(i, j) = uniform(1, 10);
execute_unload 'gdxlayout1.gdx' a;

parameter b(i, j);
b(i, j) = uniform(1, 10);
execute_unload 'gdxlayout2.gdx' b;

Thanks for your information in advance.


There is no difference in the GDX data. You may want to view the same data in different ways, so the GDX viewer allows you to change the view. It also memorizes your previous choice.

If you reset the view (i.e. hit the reset button in the viewer) in case-1, it will look like case-2, i.e. the default.


Thanks for your information.
After clicking the reset button, Case-1 style was changed to Case-2 style. So, it means there are no option to enforce the case-1 style with two dimension parameter.

  • Youngghee