Exit code = 2, Endogenous relational operations require model type "dnlp"?

Dear all,

I am running one CGE model. Please find my GAMS code and EXCEL data attached. I encounter the problems as below. I appreciate it if someone can give me
HSRTWN20201115.gms (19.6 KB)

*** Error 57 in C:\Users\DOUGLAS KUO\Documents\Dissertation\HSRTWN20201115.gms
Endogenous relational operations require model type “dnlp”
*** Error 256 in C:\Users\DOUGLAS KUO\Documents\Dissertation\HSRTWN20201115.gms
Error(s) in analyzing solve statement. More detail appears
Below the solve statement above
— HSRTWN20201115.gms(563) 3 Mb 2 Errors
*** Status: Compilation error(s)
— Job HSRTWN20201115.gms Stop 12/05/20 08:19:42 elapsed 0:00:01.796
Exit code = 2
samjuly20201019.xlsx (43.2 KB)

I am looking for the answers on the Internet. Some one said "" condition can not be use in equation. I use it on line 423: CETFOC(a).. PDA(a)/PE(a)(QDA(a)>0 and (QE(a)/QDA(a))>0)=e=(deltaCET(a)/(1-deltaCET(a)))*(QE(a)/QDA(a))**(1-rhoCET(a));
But, I need to make sure “(QE(a)/QDA(a) >0”

I skipped the equation temporarily, I got:
*** Error 71 in C:\Users\DOUGLAS KUO\Documents\Dissertation\HSRTWN20201115.gms
The symbol shown has been declared as an equation, but no
Symbolic equation (…) was found. hint - look for commas in the
Documentation text for the equations. use quotes around the
Text or eliminate the commas.
*** Error 256 in C:\Users\DOUGLAS KUO\Documents\Dissertation\HSRTWN20201115.gms
Error(s) in analyzing solve statement. More detail appears
Below the solve statement above
— HSRTWN20201115.gms(563) 3 Mb 2 Errors
*** Status: Compilation error(s)
— Job HSRTWN20201115.gms Stop 12/05/20 08:34:09 elapsed 0:00:02.285
Exit code = 2


You can use -operators in equations, however, you can't, in an MCP model, use variables in the -conditions. You should replace QA by QA0.
Read my answers to this topic this.


Dear Renger,
Thank you very much. I will try it.
Thanks and regards,